Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Saranac walking trail meets Clinton County’s health initiatives

By: Anthony Calabrese

PLATTSBURGH – SUNY Plattsburgh students team up with Clinton County Health Department encouraging Plattsburgh Housing Authority residents to walk the Saranac trail. 
According to the 2014 Community Health and Improvement Plan, promoting a healthy and safe environment is one of two priority areas set by the Clinton County Health Department.
A June 12, 2013 presentation from the Clinton County Health Department strategic community health planning session emphasizes policy, systems, and environmental approaches. It notes where people live, work, and play significantly impacts their health. Those healthy public policies create healthy environments resulting in healthy behaviors and healthy people.
A walking and trail awareness plan is being put into place by the SUNY Plattsburgh public relations students. They created events to aid the Clinton County Health Department initiatives.
“General promotion efforts may not address the barriers faced by some segments of the population.  Surveys conducted earlier in the year, indicated that several factors likely to  increase trail use such as having someone to walk with and having other activity options along the trails. The "Walk with Friends" and "Pockets of Play"(events) addresses both of these factors and the proximity of the Public Housing to the Saranac River Trail is an added bonus.” said Karen Derusha principle public health educator for the Clinton County Health Department.
“I would like for my students to help the Clinton County Department of Public Health meet its goal of increasing the number of people who use the trails, and ultimately help local residents gain healthier lifestyles.” said Michelle Ouellette, assistant professor at SUNY Plattsburgh in the Department of Journalism and Public Relations.
The students focus was low income Plattsburgh residents, they targeted members of the Plattsburgh housing authority community. 

“Our mission involves provide our residents opportunity. I simply hope that we can introduce some of our residents to the trails and healthy activity. Aside from assisting the Clinton County Health Department, we do not have any agenda. ”said Mark Hamiliton executive director of Plattsburgh housing authority.
Walk with Friends, and Pockets of Play events will take place on Oct. 3 and Oct. 24, 2015.


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