By Emily Gregoire
VERMONT – July 1 marks the beginning of the Genetically Modified Organism Labeling Law.
Products that are not labeled as either having genetically modified ingredients or as GMO free can
potentially be fined for thousands.
“Every food product manufactured and distributed should be labeled as GMO or GMO free,” said Diana
Garces, employee of Conroy’s Organics located in West Chazy N.y.
The labeling law is targeted towards ‘willful violators’. Those who are willfully noncompliant will be
According to the New York Times, violators can faces fines amounting up to $1,000 per day, per product,
but not based on the number of individual packages.
Meat, honey, plain milk or eggs are exempt from the labeling law, even if the animal that produced
these products was fed or injected with food or drugs that have been genetically engineered.
The labeling law also exempts alcohol, and frozen dinners containing meat or poultry.
“As a store we have similar views [to the labeling law]. GMOs should be labeled just as something
containing nuts is labeled,” said Garces.
Not many people are completely aware about the use of GMOs in large agriculture crop farming.
“The FDA should play a part in educating the public about GMOs and self-educating should be part of it
as well,” said Garces.
The GMO labeling law acknowledges the lack of concern Americans have about what they consume and
how it may affect them.
“I’d say it’s around 50/50. Some people know what it is and others just don’t,” said Tara Fournier of
Vermont’s Hog Island Organic, located in Swanton.
GMOs make a larger social impact when used directly on animals versus large crops. The emotional
appeal of genetically modifying an animal, rather than plants has created buzz only around one aspect of
Genetically modified organisms have enabled a longer shelf life of food, but the consequences of that
have yet to reveal themselves.
“GMOs seem a little scary. I read something about how an apple was tested for GMOs and the
researchers found cells that were identical to those found in a scorpion,” said Cameron LaMare, a
Plattsburgh local.
Using GMOs creates a large area for uncertainty, which also is caused by a lack of public awareness on
the issue.
Trends in eating fads come and go. Genetically modified organisms are more than just a fad for active
and aware consumers.
“Producing food isn’t just as simple has people having their own personal organic gardens. In a way it’s
corrupt. GMOs allow for higher quantities of food to be produced which increases profits and profits
only,” said Xavier Viskovich.
LaMare and Viskovich, both local to Plattsburgh have previous experience with farming on an intimate,
family garden level.
“If food was produced for the good of others, instead of for the wealth of a few, GMOs would have
never been designed,” said Viskovich.
An alternative news source for Plattsburgh, New York. An online newspaper, minus the paper and ink, covering news and issues in the City of Plattsburgh that affect or interest people in our community. These news-features are written by students in a Reporting and News Writing course in the Department of Journalism and Public Relations at SUNY Plattsburgh, which assumes no legal responsibility for content. You can reach us by email at
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
An uncomfortable subject
By Alexis Archilla
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y, Did you know that on college campus’s, one in 5 women and one in
sixteen men are sexually assaulted? Sexual assault is one of the most important topics throughout
our society and it is simply ignored, due to the fact that it is an uncomfortable subject.
“The hope is to be completely transparent to how people are addressing issues on
campus. It’s important to get people to normalize the conversation about sex assualt, sexual
boundaries and how you can be part of a change” says Butterfly Blaise.
Blaise is the Title IX coordinator on campus. Receiving the position as deputy in
November of 2014, Blaise helped with investigations involving gender violence, stalking, dating
violence and of course sexual assault. Title IX makes sure that no person up held by or excluded
equal access under any institution that is receiving federal funding. Blaise is the backbone to
making sure nothing is violated in the code of conduct.
The privilege for working in a college is to model what positive engagement looks like.
Being a mother of six kids, Blaise gets to emulate what she does in her professional job and
transfer her expertise to educate her kids as mom. Someone that works closely to Blaise, is a
woman named Rhema Lewis.
Lewis is the Health Educator, Outreach coordinator and sexual assault advocate. Being
hired in January of 2012, “it’s three jobs in one.” Her job is to reach out to students, faculty and
community and engage in conversations like sexual violence prevention and sexual assault.
“It is a topic that we try to address head on” said Lewis.
In her position, Lewis really connects with University Police, the counseling center and health
center to keep people safe.
“As an advocate it is really important to be present every step of the way if you choose, I
see my job as a service to a student” said Lewis.
In terms of sexual violence education, there are a couple things she focuses as she spreads
light on meetings with students across campus. Definitions and resources are the two things she
tends to focus on.
As a sexual assault advocate, she tries to challenge students mentally so they know what
to do when thrown in a situation. The big question is “What are you doing in your life, that may
add a change to rape culture” said Lewis.
Jerry Lottie works close to Rhema and Butterfly as they to help those in need. As a chief
of police that has thirty years of experience, he does what he can to make sure this campus is safe
or all. His experience says it all, when dealing with sexual assault for fifteen years at SUNY
CANTON and another fifteen years here in Plattsburgh. Through his time, he’s been a lieutenant,
investigator assistant chief and now the chief of University Police.
As a chief the first step into helping someone that has been assaulted is believing the
reporter, he must then support and allow the reporter to make a decision for him or her. “We
don’t try to persuade them to go one way or another, we leave it up to the person to make a
choice to regain back their power and make them feel in control again” said Lottie. The chief
really goes through the process with caution whenever someone is assaulted.
Someone that has been motivated for a long time to help others understand and talk about
the topic more is Alexis Pascal. “I feel that it’s important to share my experience, so that others
know that things like this do happen on campus” said Pascal. Two years ago, she had been
through the toughest moment of her life.
“ This just made me a stronger person, I just try to be a role model for those that may
need help.”
Pascal currently works at a Planned Parenthood in Warwick N.Y, trying to lend a helping
hand for those in need. Being that this is her second year working she tries to emphasize the
importance and the steps to take whether you're a victim or a witness. “It’s really amazing to be
apart of an organization that I can connect to on a personal level” said Pascal.
Through everyone’s job title, all four individuals convey the most basic and ongoing
message, “That you're not alone”.
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y, Did you know that on college campus’s, one in 5 women and one in
sixteen men are sexually assaulted? Sexual assault is one of the most important topics throughout
our society and it is simply ignored, due to the fact that it is an uncomfortable subject.
“The hope is to be completely transparent to how people are addressing issues on
campus. It’s important to get people to normalize the conversation about sex assualt, sexual
boundaries and how you can be part of a change” says Butterfly Blaise.
Blaise is the Title IX coordinator on campus. Receiving the position as deputy in
November of 2014, Blaise helped with investigations involving gender violence, stalking, dating
violence and of course sexual assault. Title IX makes sure that no person up held by or excluded
equal access under any institution that is receiving federal funding. Blaise is the backbone to
making sure nothing is violated in the code of conduct.
The privilege for working in a college is to model what positive engagement looks like.
Being a mother of six kids, Blaise gets to emulate what she does in her professional job and
transfer her expertise to educate her kids as mom. Someone that works closely to Blaise, is a
woman named Rhema Lewis.
Lewis is the Health Educator, Outreach coordinator and sexual assault advocate. Being
hired in January of 2012, “it’s three jobs in one.” Her job is to reach out to students, faculty and
community and engage in conversations like sexual violence prevention and sexual assault.
“It is a topic that we try to address head on” said Lewis.
In her position, Lewis really connects with University Police, the counseling center and health
center to keep people safe.
“As an advocate it is really important to be present every step of the way if you choose, I
see my job as a service to a student” said Lewis.
In terms of sexual violence education, there are a couple things she focuses as she spreads
light on meetings with students across campus. Definitions and resources are the two things she
tends to focus on.
As a sexual assault advocate, she tries to challenge students mentally so they know what
to do when thrown in a situation. The big question is “What are you doing in your life, that may
add a change to rape culture” said Lewis.
Jerry Lottie works close to Rhema and Butterfly as they to help those in need. As a chief
of police that has thirty years of experience, he does what he can to make sure this campus is safe
or all. His experience says it all, when dealing with sexual assault for fifteen years at SUNY
CANTON and another fifteen years here in Plattsburgh. Through his time, he’s been a lieutenant,
investigator assistant chief and now the chief of University Police.
As a chief the first step into helping someone that has been assaulted is believing the
reporter, he must then support and allow the reporter to make a decision for him or her. “We
don’t try to persuade them to go one way or another, we leave it up to the person to make a
choice to regain back their power and make them feel in control again” said Lottie. The chief
really goes through the process with caution whenever someone is assaulted.
Someone that has been motivated for a long time to help others understand and talk about
the topic more is Alexis Pascal. “I feel that it’s important to share my experience, so that others
know that things like this do happen on campus” said Pascal. Two years ago, she had been
through the toughest moment of her life.
“ This just made me a stronger person, I just try to be a role model for those that may
need help.”
Pascal currently works at a Planned Parenthood in Warwick N.Y, trying to lend a helping
hand for those in need. Being that this is her second year working she tries to emphasize the
importance and the steps to take whether you're a victim or a witness. “It’s really amazing to be
apart of an organization that I can connect to on a personal level” said Pascal.
Through everyone’s job title, all four individuals convey the most basic and ongoing
message, “That you're not alone”.
Being a mother is not an easy job
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – Long hours, no pay. A lot of responsibility, no pay. Physical,
emotional and mental exhaustion, no pay. Being a mother, no pay.
For many women, becoming a mother is a great accomplishment. Many young girls and
women dream of the day when they’ll have their own family and live happily ever after,
sometimes however, the road to that happy ending can be a difficult one.
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
the United States is virtually the only country that does not require paid maternity leave.
Glennys Rivera, who is currently expecting, said, “as a mother, financial security is a big
factor in how I can raise my children. For the six weeks that I’m gone from work, I miss out on
three paychecks, paychecks that could really help out.”
The OECD defines maternity leave as “employment-protected leave of absence for
employed women at around the time of childbirth” and according to the study conducted by the
organisation, almost all countries, excluding the U.S. offer income support payments while on
Claudia Vidal, mother of two and an executive at the company where she works at said,
“we [the United States] are playing catch up, and it’s interesting to see. We call ourselves a fully-
developed nation, yet we can’t afford to give mothers the aid that so many other countries give.”
And she’s right. Countries such as Canada, Greece, and Spain each mandate about 15-20
weeks of paid maternity leave, some which offer a 100% equal pay rate, which means that they
get paid their regular salary when on leave.
The lack of paid maternity leave in the majority of the country is an issue that affects not
only mothers, but fathers as well.
Luis Antonio said, “I have three children, and I feel like their mother raised them all,
because while she was home I had to be at work clocking in extra hours to fill the gap from the
lack of paychecks from her job.”
“It’s already a lot of work to raise a family, and so to not be able to financially provide
for your family as much as you can, it stings. It even hurts a little because you can’t be around as
much as you wish you could,” Antonio continued.
Despite the country-wide lack of required paid maternity leave, some individual
companies do have that option.
Shirley Payne, is one of the women who has received pay while on maternity leave.
“I’m fortunate enough to work for a company that does offer paid maternity leave, and
because I’ve received that and I’ve experienced how helpful it is, I understand the outrage that
many women feel when they don’t have the same option as me,” Payne said.
Although the negative sentiments about the lack of nationwide paid maternity leave
linger, the country is slowly progressing. San Francisco has recently passed a law allowing new
parents, both moms and dads, to receive six paid weeks of leave.
Antonio said, “it’s reassuring to see that some cities are working hard to make changes,
and what San Francisco has done hopefully serves as inspiration to other major cities, or better
yet entire states.”
Rivera said, “I can’t imagine a better job than being a mother, and although the love of
my children is payment enough, I would love nothing more than to feel secure and able to
provide for them as much as possible.”
“Paid maternity leave is not for the mother, but for the chidren. It’s about being able to
provide them with the best resources and giving them a chance to grow up and be the best that
they can be.”
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – Long hours, no pay. A lot of responsibility, no pay. Physical,
emotional and mental exhaustion, no pay. Being a mother, no pay.
For many women, becoming a mother is a great accomplishment. Many young girls and
women dream of the day when they’ll have their own family and live happily ever after,
sometimes however, the road to that happy ending can be a difficult one.
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
the United States is virtually the only country that does not require paid maternity leave.
Glennys Rivera, who is currently expecting, said, “as a mother, financial security is a big
factor in how I can raise my children. For the six weeks that I’m gone from work, I miss out on
three paychecks, paychecks that could really help out.”
The OECD defines maternity leave as “employment-protected leave of absence for
employed women at around the time of childbirth” and according to the study conducted by the
organisation, almost all countries, excluding the U.S. offer income support payments while on
Claudia Vidal, mother of two and an executive at the company where she works at said,
“we [the United States] are playing catch up, and it’s interesting to see. We call ourselves a fully-
developed nation, yet we can’t afford to give mothers the aid that so many other countries give.”
And she’s right. Countries such as Canada, Greece, and Spain each mandate about 15-20
weeks of paid maternity leave, some which offer a 100% equal pay rate, which means that they
get paid their regular salary when on leave.
The lack of paid maternity leave in the majority of the country is an issue that affects not
only mothers, but fathers as well.
Luis Antonio said, “I have three children, and I feel like their mother raised them all,
because while she was home I had to be at work clocking in extra hours to fill the gap from the
lack of paychecks from her job.”
“It’s already a lot of work to raise a family, and so to not be able to financially provide
for your family as much as you can, it stings. It even hurts a little because you can’t be around as
much as you wish you could,” Antonio continued.
Despite the country-wide lack of required paid maternity leave, some individual
companies do have that option.
Shirley Payne, is one of the women who has received pay while on maternity leave.
“I’m fortunate enough to work for a company that does offer paid maternity leave, and
because I’ve received that and I’ve experienced how helpful it is, I understand the outrage that
many women feel when they don’t have the same option as me,” Payne said.
Although the negative sentiments about the lack of nationwide paid maternity leave
linger, the country is slowly progressing. San Francisco has recently passed a law allowing new
parents, both moms and dads, to receive six paid weeks of leave.
Antonio said, “it’s reassuring to see that some cities are working hard to make changes,
and what San Francisco has done hopefully serves as inspiration to other major cities, or better
yet entire states.”
Rivera said, “I can’t imagine a better job than being a mother, and although the love of
my children is payment enough, I would love nothing more than to feel secure and able to
provide for them as much as possible.”
“Paid maternity leave is not for the mother, but for the chidren. It’s about being able to
provide them with the best resources and giving them a chance to grow up and be the best that
they can be.”
Relay for Life brings community together
By Batala Aristide
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. -- For the last 10 years students not only from
Plattsburgh State, but from all over the country, gather around for 12
hours-sing, dance, march, and come together for solidarity, for
community, for life. Relay for Life, an event that brings people from all
walks of life regardless of age or social status into an arena where
they have the same common enemy-Cancer.
The Relay for Life event would never happened had it not been
the courage and fortitude of one man to make the event a global
phenomenon. In May 1985, Gordy Klatt, a medical surgeon from
Tacoma, Washington-was thinking of new ways to increase the
income of his local American Cancer Society office, so he decided to
do that along with combining his passion-running a marathon. Klatt
spent 24 hours running 83 miles around Baker Stadium at the
University of Puget; 41 years later, his legacy lives on and Relay for
Life is still bringing awareness to the disease.
Many students have witnessed the impact of Relay. Olivia
Edwards, a Plattsburgh State student and member of Alpha Epsilon
Phi sorority has attended Relay for Life twice, and this time around
she fully understood the importance.
“I realized there are more people around me who have been
impacted by cancer,” Edwards said. Edwards goes on to add that the
highlight of the night for her was the Luminaria event-a candlelight vigil
when the sun sets to remember loved ones who have been affected
and died from the disease. The Luminaria can be filled with a name,
photo or an inspirational message.
“That part (Luminaria) was very touching and it brought a lot of
people closer,” Edwards said. She was not the only student who took
solace knowing the event was for a great cause. Plattsburgh State
Freshman Travis Jones also believed the event brought home a
powerful message.
“Cancer affects everyone. An event like this is important because
it is one of those rare moments where people are united instead of
divided. I really like that,” Jones said. Before the event, Jones has
never heard of Relay for Life and originally wanted to attend because
his friends were attending the event as well. That is when Jones was
told by one of his good friends that they had a relative die from
Cancer. Jones went for a different reason this time; to support his best
“That really hurt me when he told me that. I wanted to go to turn
up, but after my best friend told me the news about his Aunt, I went
because I wanted to support my bro,” Jones said.
The event although for a serious cause, is nothing short of
celebratory. Students walked all around the track at the Fieldhouse
where they were greeted with performances by the Plattsburgh Kick
line, Dance Corps and even some slack lining. The event was success
with Plattsburgh State raising more than $50,000 for the American
Cancer Society.
“It was amazing. I have to come back next year,” replied Jeff
Woods, who is not a Plattsburgh State student but attended the event
because he too had a close friend who lost a family member to
“If events like this do not impact you in some way, you have no
soul,” Woods said. Woods was as fiery as he was emotional. He does
not have anyone close to him who is affected by the disease, but
watching his close friends hurt, hurt him as well. The Luminaria
ceremony was when Woods broke down.
“I just could not bottle it in that long, I just lost it” Woods said.
The moment of silence during the Luminaria event is what Woods is
referring to. Relay for Life can do that to you. The event is more than
about raising money, but more so celebrating life; Life lost, and life
that still exists.
One person who played a role in this year’s event was Jasmine
Callis, a member of the Relay for Life Public Relations committee.
Callis attended her first relay and talked about the importance of such
an event.
“It’s a good helping hand and it shows more compassion to the
community,” Callis said. Callis agrees that such an event is
celebrating a great cause and event like this not only takes a toll on
you emotionally to attend, but also to plan it.
Callis says she tries to see the best in situations and hopes the
event can continue to reach everyone because “cancer never sleeps”.
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. -- For the last 10 years students not only from
Plattsburgh State, but from all over the country, gather around for 12
hours-sing, dance, march, and come together for solidarity, for
community, for life. Relay for Life, an event that brings people from all
walks of life regardless of age or social status into an arena where
they have the same common enemy-Cancer.
The Relay for Life event would never happened had it not been
the courage and fortitude of one man to make the event a global
phenomenon. In May 1985, Gordy Klatt, a medical surgeon from
Tacoma, Washington-was thinking of new ways to increase the
income of his local American Cancer Society office, so he decided to
do that along with combining his passion-running a marathon. Klatt
spent 24 hours running 83 miles around Baker Stadium at the
University of Puget; 41 years later, his legacy lives on and Relay for
Life is still bringing awareness to the disease.
Many students have witnessed the impact of Relay. Olivia
Edwards, a Plattsburgh State student and member of Alpha Epsilon
Phi sorority has attended Relay for Life twice, and this time around
she fully understood the importance.
“I realized there are more people around me who have been
impacted by cancer,” Edwards said. Edwards goes on to add that the
highlight of the night for her was the Luminaria event-a candlelight vigil
when the sun sets to remember loved ones who have been affected
and died from the disease. The Luminaria can be filled with a name,
photo or an inspirational message.
“That part (Luminaria) was very touching and it brought a lot of
people closer,” Edwards said. She was not the only student who took
solace knowing the event was for a great cause. Plattsburgh State
Freshman Travis Jones also believed the event brought home a
powerful message.
“Cancer affects everyone. An event like this is important because
it is one of those rare moments where people are united instead of
divided. I really like that,” Jones said. Before the event, Jones has
never heard of Relay for Life and originally wanted to attend because
his friends were attending the event as well. That is when Jones was
told by one of his good friends that they had a relative die from
Cancer. Jones went for a different reason this time; to support his best
“That really hurt me when he told me that. I wanted to go to turn
up, but after my best friend told me the news about his Aunt, I went
because I wanted to support my bro,” Jones said.
The event although for a serious cause, is nothing short of
celebratory. Students walked all around the track at the Fieldhouse
where they were greeted with performances by the Plattsburgh Kick
line, Dance Corps and even some slack lining. The event was success
with Plattsburgh State raising more than $50,000 for the American
Cancer Society.
“It was amazing. I have to come back next year,” replied Jeff
Woods, who is not a Plattsburgh State student but attended the event
because he too had a close friend who lost a family member to
“If events like this do not impact you in some way, you have no
soul,” Woods said. Woods was as fiery as he was emotional. He does
not have anyone close to him who is affected by the disease, but
watching his close friends hurt, hurt him as well. The Luminaria
ceremony was when Woods broke down.
“I just could not bottle it in that long, I just lost it” Woods said.
The moment of silence during the Luminaria event is what Woods is
referring to. Relay for Life can do that to you. The event is more than
about raising money, but more so celebrating life; Life lost, and life
that still exists.
One person who played a role in this year’s event was Jasmine
Callis, a member of the Relay for Life Public Relations committee.
Callis attended her first relay and talked about the importance of such
an event.
“It’s a good helping hand and it shows more compassion to the
community,” Callis said. Callis agrees that such an event is
celebrating a great cause and event like this not only takes a toll on
you emotionally to attend, but also to plan it.
Callis says she tries to see the best in situations and hopes the
event can continue to reach everyone because “cancer never sleeps”.
Classic film aims to raise money for Honor Flight
By Noah Cooperstein
The E. Glenn Giltz auditorium, located in Hawkins Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh
campus, was occupied by a rather different demographic than usual. The many rows of red
cushioned seats, which are usually filled with current and potential new students to the college,
otherwise known as Millennial, were occupied by another generation, the Greatest Generation.
On Sunday, April 17th, North Country Honor Flight, a nonprofit organization with the
mission of flying World War II veterans to their memorial in Washington, D.C., including
veterans from other conflicts, hosted “A Film For Freedom: Casablanca”, a showing of the film
of Casablanca to honor of those who have served their country.
With the help of PSUC public relation campaign students, the event was able to become a
reality, with the students spending many months planning and organizing the event.
Christian Burek, the head of the Casablanca event, worked very close with his follow
classmates to make this event a reality.
“As a collective group we were able to use all that we have learned throughout our time
in the major as well as picking up on some new things along the way,” said Burek.
At the beginning of the Fall 2015 academic semester, PSUC’s Campaign Plan and
Development class teamed with the North Country branch of Honor Flight.
As the fall semester progressed, students began to form a plan to assist North Country
Honor Flight. Near the semester’s end, the class launched “Operation: Greatest Generation,” a
public relations campaign aiming to further North Country Honor Flight’s mission to send local
WWII and Korean War veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their war memorials.
Once the 2016 Spring academic semester began, the campaign class hit the ground
running and never looked back.
After many months of planning, Burek was happy to see the once written-down idea
finally come alive.
“The event went rather well,” said Burek “It was a good way to show respect to the
veterans as well as giving us a taste on what to expect when we venture out into our field of
The Director of North Country Honor Flight, Barrie Finnegan, was very appreciative of
all that these students have done for him over the past year.
“The students put their heart and soul into this event and it truly showed,” said Finnegan
“The event was very well put together.”
The event began with both Burek and Finnegan talking about Honor Flight and thanking
the veterans for all they have done.
After the speech, the showing of the film Casablanca, a war film that had caught the
hearts of Americans who at the time of the film’s release, were living during World War II,
The film, at the time and even till today, has become much more than the typical wartime
film due to the emotional plot between the main characters Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), Ilsa
Lund (Ingrid Bergman), and Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid).
Lisa Perry, a student at PSUC, thought it was a great way to bring the community and
students together.
“The students did a great job by brining together both these generations,” said Perry “No
matter how different we may be in age, people are always able to find a common joy when it
comes to films.”
Ross Bouyea, who served in the Army from 1943 to 1945 and who has participated on a
Honor Flight, was very pleased with how the event unfolded.
“It was beautiful. The group that they have got here is an amazing group. The have done
a lot of great things for us and it always well appreciated.”
The E. Glenn Giltz auditorium, located in Hawkins Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh
campus, was occupied by a rather different demographic than usual. The many rows of red
cushioned seats, which are usually filled with current and potential new students to the college,
otherwise known as Millennial, were occupied by another generation, the Greatest Generation.
On Sunday, April 17th, North Country Honor Flight, a nonprofit organization with the
mission of flying World War II veterans to their memorial in Washington, D.C., including
veterans from other conflicts, hosted “A Film For Freedom: Casablanca”, a showing of the film
of Casablanca to honor of those who have served their country.
With the help of PSUC public relation campaign students, the event was able to become a
reality, with the students spending many months planning and organizing the event.
Christian Burek, the head of the Casablanca event, worked very close with his follow
classmates to make this event a reality.
“As a collective group we were able to use all that we have learned throughout our time
in the major as well as picking up on some new things along the way,” said Burek.
At the beginning of the Fall 2015 academic semester, PSUC’s Campaign Plan and
Development class teamed with the North Country branch of Honor Flight.
As the fall semester progressed, students began to form a plan to assist North Country
Honor Flight. Near the semester’s end, the class launched “Operation: Greatest Generation,” a
public relations campaign aiming to further North Country Honor Flight’s mission to send local
WWII and Korean War veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their war memorials.
Once the 2016 Spring academic semester began, the campaign class hit the ground
running and never looked back.
After many months of planning, Burek was happy to see the once written-down idea
finally come alive.
“The event went rather well,” said Burek “It was a good way to show respect to the
veterans as well as giving us a taste on what to expect when we venture out into our field of
The Director of North Country Honor Flight, Barrie Finnegan, was very appreciative of
all that these students have done for him over the past year.
“The students put their heart and soul into this event and it truly showed,” said Finnegan
“The event was very well put together.”
The event began with both Burek and Finnegan talking about Honor Flight and thanking
the veterans for all they have done.
After the speech, the showing of the film Casablanca, a war film that had caught the
hearts of Americans who at the time of the film’s release, were living during World War II,
The film, at the time and even till today, has become much more than the typical wartime
film due to the emotional plot between the main characters Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), Ilsa
Lund (Ingrid Bergman), and Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid).
Lisa Perry, a student at PSUC, thought it was a great way to bring the community and
students together.
“The students did a great job by brining together both these generations,” said Perry “No
matter how different we may be in age, people are always able to find a common joy when it
comes to films.”
Ross Bouyea, who served in the Army from 1943 to 1945 and who has participated on a
Honor Flight, was very pleased with how the event unfolded.
“It was beautiful. The group that they have got here is an amazing group. The have done
a lot of great things for us and it always well appreciated.”
Plattsburgh Blues & Jazz Brings Nationally Acclaimed Artists to North Country
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – Acclaimed blues & soul artist John Németh played a packed show
Tuesday at 30 City Hall Place as part of the recently developed Plattsburgh Blues & Jazz concert
The series, stylized as PB&J, was started by the board of directors at 30 City Hall Place, according to Champlain Wine
Company co-owner Colin Read, but
has its roots in house parties thrown
by local blues enthusiast Laura
Carbone is well-connected in the music industry due to her history of traveling in order to
photograph concerts and festivals featuring a diverse array of artists, she said. Through these
travels, Carbone has built relationships with a number of artists who, from time to time, she asks
to come play parties at her house, to which she invites various acquaintances and community
Carbone noted that the parties always have a good turnout and are enjoyed by everyone,
but are costly to throw. Thus blossomed the idea for an affordable series to bring notable artists
to Plattsburgh, a small town that might otherwise be overlooked when booking tours.
Part of the credit for the success of the series is the choice of blues itself, as it is a genre
that has an appeal not limited to any specific age group, Carbone said. The second trick, she said,
is bringing artists that are not just small-town bar acts, but artists with professional backgrounds
and deep histories.
“The blues, it’s not sad music. It’s really supposed to fill your soul,” Carbone said. “And
all the bands that have come through so far, I have seen perform live, and I know they’re going
to hit it out of the park.”
This ability to secure widely known artists, along with the marketing prowess of Tara
Powers’ Shen Marketing Solutions, Carbone said, has quickly brought the series to the forefront
of the Plattsburgh community, resulting in the recent success of Németh’s visit.
Bill Colquhoun, leader of a local art group that paints portraits of willing volunteers, feels
that Read, too, deserves a lot of the credit for what happens with PB&J.
Colquhoun, a Keeseville resident who found himself wooed Tuesday by John Németh’s
guitarist’s skills, described Read as a community mover and shaker, who always has a hand in
the goings-on of the community, much the same as he has a hand in Colquhoun’s painting group
– the Champlain Wine Company is the meeting place for Colquhoun’s group, too.
Aside from just owning the venue, Read & co-owner Natalie Peck allow the artists PB&J
recruits to play the venue at no cost to the organization.
Furthermore, PB&J is a non-profit group, so the Wine Company sacrifices the proceeds
of whatever drink sales take place during the concerts, which are redirected into PB&J and used
to help pay for future artists. These funds also go toward a large outdoor event planned for July
that Carbone describes as a “blues weekend,” Read said.
Despite the intimidating amount of work that such a festival – a word that Carbone
refuses to use due to its weight, describing it as “the f word” – will take, Carbone nonetheless
feels that it will be a success.
And based on the full-to-the-brim crowd that John Németh brought to 30 City Hall Place,
which, according to Carbone, definitely consisted of at least a few Vermont and Montreal
residents, the odds may be in her favor.
Community member Aly Restrepo had never watched a band perform in the Plattsburgh
area aside from the odd bar band, she said, and Németh’s performance was the first for which
she did so – and she was impressed. Restrepo now plans on not only attending the festival put on
by PB&J, but also plans to catch a future Németh performance in Montreal.
Besides the festival, Carbone said, there are events planned months in advance until the
end of the year, with pre-festival one-off performances like Németh’s acting as fundraisers for
the larger July event.
With the series seeing such early success, both Read and Carbone hope to make
Plattsburgh a trademark stop for blues musicians the world over.
“We’re trying to make it the small town that’s famous for the blues,” Read said. “We’ll
have something about once every month all year round, and we hope this summer fest will get
bigger and bigger every year. Something to really hang our hat on.”
Kanaly makes great life for daughter
By Eve Barnofsky
PLATTSBURGH N.Y. - Jennifer Kanaly has experienced more in life than most. At a young age
she left college to travel the country, she became a single mom, and is now a nurse practitioner.
A mother of three, Kanaly didn't always think her life would turn out this way, but she couldn’t
be happier.
Kanaly, a Plattsburgh native, began her college career at SUNY Plattsburgh. She had
received a full four-year scholarship due to her academic excellence in high school, and was
planning to pursue a law degree. She majored in political science; however, Kanaly decided that
she did not like it.
She left school and decided to travel the country.
At the age of twenty, Kanaly became pregnant with her daughter, Sage Lewandowski,
and moved to Western, Mass.
“It’s interesting being a mom. Me and Sage kind of grew up together.” Kanaly said.
Her oldest daughter Sage knows hard her mother has worked to give her a good life.
Since it was just the two of them at both a young age they have a bond most mothers and
daughters don’t have.
“My mom is a woman of incredible strength. From the first years of her life to the present
day, she has always pushed herself and worked hard to become the successful person she is
today.” Said Lewandowski.
Needing a job to support her family, she went to a temporary agency and got an interview
at a hospital to transport radiology patients from in-patient care to the X-ray department.
“As I was picking up patients around the hospital I would see nurse aids and thought I
could do that.” Kanaly said.
That’s just what she did. Kanaly took a nurse aids class and soon after that Sage was
born and they moved back to Plattsburgh. She would then go on to pursue two bachelor degree
and two master degrees.
“Nursing kind of found me in a way. I never intended to be a nurse but it was a
marketable job and I wanted to provide a good life for my girl.” Kanaly said.
Kanaly has always valued education. She came back to SUNY Plattsburgh and pursued a
double bachelor degree in nursing and psychology. She also pursued a master in nursing
education online and got her last masters at Albany Med in Troy. She also taught for them for
their undergraduate nursing program.
“I knew I wasn't going to be using my teaching degree a lot, but I thought to myself if I
am ever going to use it, I am going to do it now.” Kanaly said.
Lewandowski has seen what her mother has done for her education and to provide for her
family and couldn’t be more proud.
“I don’t know anyone who has worked as tirelessly as my mother has. She never once
complains or asks for anything in return” said Lewandowski.
Allie Lyle, a family friend and currently a nursing major at SUNY Plattsburgh, feels
Kanaly is a role model.
“Since I want to be a nurse, she makes me feel like that's possible. When I am feeling
down about grades or the hard school work, she is my inspiration to keep moving forward.” said
Kanaly is now a psychiatric nurse at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital. She has
worked there for 17 years.
“I love being a psych nurse because we all at any point can have mental health issues,”
said Kanaly, “it is a misunderstand population and an undeserved population but some of the
nicest people I have ever meet.”
Being a psychiatric nurse she feels it has real made her a better person and it is where
she's supposed to be.
“You have to figure out yourself before you figure out someone else.” said Kanaly.
Going from being an ICU nurse to a psychiatric nurse, she has noticed the stigma around
mental health, however, she feels that it is coming into the spotlight more and now people want
to start to help those people.
Kanaly has come from a rough background, having had an abusive mother, she was
unsure if she was going to be a good mom at first.
“My family, to me, is my world. I knew that whatever my mom did I wanted to do the
opposite.” Kanaly said.
Her youngest daughter, Hannah Kanaly, feels that she is a great mom.
“She’s a pretty cool lady. She's done a lot for us and I appreciate it. Especially where
she's coming from, she's been an excellent role model and I’m very thankful.” said Hannah
Now married to her husband Sean Kanaly, they have three kids, Sage, Ryan and Hannah.
She and her husband meet at SUNY Plattsburgh while perusing their degrees.
Mr. Kanaly is a teacher at a local high school in Saranac.
“He’s great to me. I wouldn't be able to do any of the stuff that I’ve done. All the stuff
that I told you about I wouldn’t be able to do that without him.” said Kanaly.
They’re simple people Kanaly feels. She rides horses with her daughter, they have two
dogs and two cats and she just likes to spend time with her family outdoors.
“I used to drag Sage up mountains wearing one of those front packs. She had been to top
of mountains before she was born.” said Kanaly.
Lewandowski and Kanaly are one in the same. Being in a room with them you can see
not only are they mother and daughter but best friends.
“My mother, is a force of nature. Her dedication and light will always be felt in the world
around her.” Said Lewandowski.
PLATTSBURGH N.Y. - Jennifer Kanaly has experienced more in life than most. At a young age
she left college to travel the country, she became a single mom, and is now a nurse practitioner.
A mother of three, Kanaly didn't always think her life would turn out this way, but she couldn’t
be happier.
Kanaly, a Plattsburgh native, began her college career at SUNY Plattsburgh. She had
received a full four-year scholarship due to her academic excellence in high school, and was
planning to pursue a law degree. She majored in political science; however, Kanaly decided that
she did not like it.
She left school and decided to travel the country.
At the age of twenty, Kanaly became pregnant with her daughter, Sage Lewandowski,
and moved to Western, Mass.
“It’s interesting being a mom. Me and Sage kind of grew up together.” Kanaly said.
Her oldest daughter Sage knows hard her mother has worked to give her a good life.
Since it was just the two of them at both a young age they have a bond most mothers and
daughters don’t have.
“My mom is a woman of incredible strength. From the first years of her life to the present
day, she has always pushed herself and worked hard to become the successful person she is
today.” Said Lewandowski.
Needing a job to support her family, she went to a temporary agency and got an interview
at a hospital to transport radiology patients from in-patient care to the X-ray department.
“As I was picking up patients around the hospital I would see nurse aids and thought I
could do that.” Kanaly said.
That’s just what she did. Kanaly took a nurse aids class and soon after that Sage was
born and they moved back to Plattsburgh. She would then go on to pursue two bachelor degree
and two master degrees.
“Nursing kind of found me in a way. I never intended to be a nurse but it was a
marketable job and I wanted to provide a good life for my girl.” Kanaly said.
Kanaly has always valued education. She came back to SUNY Plattsburgh and pursued a
double bachelor degree in nursing and psychology. She also pursued a master in nursing
education online and got her last masters at Albany Med in Troy. She also taught for them for
their undergraduate nursing program.
“I knew I wasn't going to be using my teaching degree a lot, but I thought to myself if I
am ever going to use it, I am going to do it now.” Kanaly said.
Lewandowski has seen what her mother has done for her education and to provide for her
family and couldn’t be more proud.
“I don’t know anyone who has worked as tirelessly as my mother has. She never once
complains or asks for anything in return” said Lewandowski.
Allie Lyle, a family friend and currently a nursing major at SUNY Plattsburgh, feels
Kanaly is a role model.
“Since I want to be a nurse, she makes me feel like that's possible. When I am feeling
down about grades or the hard school work, she is my inspiration to keep moving forward.” said
Kanaly is now a psychiatric nurse at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital. She has
worked there for 17 years.
“I love being a psych nurse because we all at any point can have mental health issues,”
said Kanaly, “it is a misunderstand population and an undeserved population but some of the
nicest people I have ever meet.”
Being a psychiatric nurse she feels it has real made her a better person and it is where
she's supposed to be.
“You have to figure out yourself before you figure out someone else.” said Kanaly.
Going from being an ICU nurse to a psychiatric nurse, she has noticed the stigma around
mental health, however, she feels that it is coming into the spotlight more and now people want
to start to help those people.
Kanaly has come from a rough background, having had an abusive mother, she was
unsure if she was going to be a good mom at first.
“My family, to me, is my world. I knew that whatever my mom did I wanted to do the
opposite.” Kanaly said.
Her youngest daughter, Hannah Kanaly, feels that she is a great mom.
“She’s a pretty cool lady. She's done a lot for us and I appreciate it. Especially where
she's coming from, she's been an excellent role model and I’m very thankful.” said Hannah
Now married to her husband Sean Kanaly, they have three kids, Sage, Ryan and Hannah.
She and her husband meet at SUNY Plattsburgh while perusing their degrees.
Mr. Kanaly is a teacher at a local high school in Saranac.
“He’s great to me. I wouldn't be able to do any of the stuff that I’ve done. All the stuff
that I told you about I wouldn’t be able to do that without him.” said Kanaly.
They’re simple people Kanaly feels. She rides horses with her daughter, they have two
dogs and two cats and she just likes to spend time with her family outdoors.
“I used to drag Sage up mountains wearing one of those front packs. She had been to top
of mountains before she was born.” said Kanaly.
Lewandowski and Kanaly are one in the same. Being in a room with them you can see
not only are they mother and daughter but best friends.
“My mother, is a force of nature. Her dedication and light will always be felt in the world
around her.” Said Lewandowski.
Intramurals on itsway out
By Kristine Giurcio
PLATTSBURGH, NY− The Plattsburgh City School District cut intramural sports from the school budget leaving community members questioning the priorities of the board of education.
Six years ago many budget areas were reduced due to state aid reductions, included in which were after-school clubs such as intramural sports at the 6th grade level.
Connor Mulholland, a Clinton Community College student, worked as a volunteer for the intramurals after school program.
“I worked with 4th and 5th grade soccer players about 3 years ago. These two grades still continue to participate in intramural sports today. Intramurals after elementary school being discontinued seemed to cause concern for community members,” Mulholland said.
James Short, the superintendent of the Plattsburgh City School District, said he thinks intramural sports make for a more positive impact on children and can aid in growth and learning.
“This year the board of education would like to focus more on the health and wellness of the whole student,” Short said. “Bringing back these programs could be a good start.”
Short’s plan to revive these programs deems possible. Fortune Ellison, the director of special education, said she thinks that the new budget will be more beneficial for everyone.
“The new budget will have reductions with a spending increase, opening new doors for us but not affecting any existing programs,” Ellison said.
While changes to the budget will bring back the intramural program, Mulholland finds it to be unnecessary.
“6th grade is the start of middle school and while I think it’s good for children to participate in friendly after-school programs and make new friends, I think that it’s even more important for them to learn about real competition,” Mulholland said. “Sports aren’t about winning, but competition and commitment to a serious varsity school team could teach them a lot about hard work, perseverance, and being a part of something bigger than themselves.”
Leah Casey, a junior at Beekmantown High School, stated that she had never participated in intramural sports that were provided by the district in the past.
“I think for younger kids especially, intramurals is a good program. If they had it for high school students I would join club soccer. Varsity teams take up a lot of time. I would want to try something a little less involved to see if I enjoyed soccer enough to let it become a big part of my life,” Casey said. “I think the district should make club sports for all ages, not just elementary and middle school students.”
Taylor Nelson, who is also a junior at Beekmantown High School, said she thinks the program is positive for students that are often overlooked.
“As a high school student who doesn’t participate on a school sports team, it annoys me how people were so mad about intramural sports being cut. I’m sure a lot of other things were taken away too,” Nelson said. “The only reason I think they should bring back the club teams is for the middle school students who can’t compete to the level of another child their age. I don’t care about sports, but out of all the students there are in this town, not everyone is going to make the school team and they should still be able to play if that’s what they want.”
As the head of the board of education, Short is aware of the conversation the budgetary cut has caused over the years. The board is heavily leaning towards reviving the middle school program due to how inexpensive it is to maintain and the attempt to please everyone.
Smokers go electronic
By Kevin Morley
PLATTSBURGH N.Y.--Smokers of America are progressing with the electronic
age as electronic cigarettes, better known as vapes, have had a substantial increase
in popularity over the past few years according to a New York Times Article.
Those who used to keep a pack handy are now putting their e-cigarettes on
the charger before they go to bed. These new age cigarettes provide users with a
source of nicotine, a highly addictive substance, without all of the other carcinogens
and tars that are found in cigarettes. However, for some users, it is not the nicotine
that draws them to the e-cigarettes.
“I just prefer the taste,” Tanner Barney, a customer at Up in Smoke, said.
“Anything that resembles something like a hookah where you’re not getting all the
harmful stuff and you’re just getting the flavor is what I’m into.”
Up In Smoke, located on the corner of Clinton Street in downtown
Plattsburgh is a place where customers can go to purchase a variety of the nicotine
liquid, also known as “juice”, that is used in an electronic cigarette. These products
range in both the amount of nicotine as well as the flavor of the “juice.”
Flavors range from the simple fruit such as “Very Berry,” to elaborate
concoctions such as “Fruity Pebbles”. Nicotine levels on the other hand are labeled
on the bottles in milligrams, ranging anywhere from 3 mg-12mg of nicotine per
Some e-cig users have even cut out the middleman and started to make their
own “juice.” Evan Floreck, a sophomore at SUNY Plattsburgh, has been making his
own creations for about a year now.
“All you need nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and food
flavoring,” Floreck said. “You can just Google the products and buy them in bulk.”
Once he receives his shipment of ingredients, Floreck uses E-liquid
calculators online to make sure his measurements for the juice are precise. When
dealing with concentrated nicotine, Floreck notes how dangerous it can be when
used excessively, saying the right amount could easily poison a person. This is why
the E-liquid calculators are so important.
The clean-smoke trend has struck a particular interest in the teen
demographic. According to a New York Times article, the number of high school
teens who use electronic cigarettes tripled from 2013 to 2014, as thirteen percent of
high school students are now users of vapes. However, the trend is not limited to the
younger generations.
I’d say our customers range from 18 to some of our older customers who are
in their sixties and seventies,” Nick Luroque, a sales clerk at Up in Smoke said. “The
older people say the smoke is less harsh than a cigarette.”
With the trend gaining momentum faster than anticipated, the government is
having a tough time catching up when it comes to regulating the product. According
to the New York Times Article, the Food and Drug Administration is still developing
a ruling on the safety of e-cigarettes.
Due to the lack of education on electronic cigarettes, the concept of smoking
a vape in a public place is still up for debate. Some shops in downtown Plattsburgh
are accepting of the new trend, letting customers indulge in vaping while in their
“We’re ok with people using them in here,” owner of the Koffee Kat, Patty
Waldron said. “As long as it doesn’t bother others and it’s not harmful to them then
we’re fine with it. The smells not terrible either.”
Waldron used to be an electronic cigarette smoker herself, saying it was a
helpful way for her to quit smoking. With smoking being the number preventable
cause of death in the United States, killing 480,000 people a year, many smokers like
Waldron look to the vape to quit smoking, as it has become known as the healthier
Another aspect that draws people to use electronic cigarettes is the fact that
it is significantly cheaper than buying a pack. A typical electronic cigarette goes for
anywhere from 30 to 100 dollars according to Luroque.
“I put it all out on paper for my mom to show her that it would end up being
cheaper to smoke an electronic cigarette.” Luroque said. “She smokes one to two
packs a day so it would be a big help to her health also.”
Although the use of e-cigarettes is on the rise, a good amount of smokers are
sticking to their old-fashioned ways despite the growing availability of the product.
Some gas stations now sell electronic-cigarette cartridges. Pauline Ramsey, a
partner of the Stewarts on Rugar Street, has not seen to many customers opting for
the new-age smoke.
“I think people are going to continue to use what they want until they are
ready to quit.” Ramsey said. “Try as you may, some people can’t quit right off the
PLATTSBURGH N.Y.--Smokers of America are progressing with the electronic
age as electronic cigarettes, better known as vapes, have had a substantial increase
in popularity over the past few years according to a New York Times Article.
Those who used to keep a pack handy are now putting their e-cigarettes on
the charger before they go to bed. These new age cigarettes provide users with a
source of nicotine, a highly addictive substance, without all of the other carcinogens
and tars that are found in cigarettes. However, for some users, it is not the nicotine
that draws them to the e-cigarettes.
“I just prefer the taste,” Tanner Barney, a customer at Up in Smoke, said.
“Anything that resembles something like a hookah where you’re not getting all the
harmful stuff and you’re just getting the flavor is what I’m into.”
Up In Smoke, located on the corner of Clinton Street in downtown
Plattsburgh is a place where customers can go to purchase a variety of the nicotine
liquid, also known as “juice”, that is used in an electronic cigarette. These products
range in both the amount of nicotine as well as the flavor of the “juice.”
Flavors range from the simple fruit such as “Very Berry,” to elaborate
concoctions such as “Fruity Pebbles”. Nicotine levels on the other hand are labeled
on the bottles in milligrams, ranging anywhere from 3 mg-12mg of nicotine per
Some e-cig users have even cut out the middleman and started to make their
own “juice.” Evan Floreck, a sophomore at SUNY Plattsburgh, has been making his
own creations for about a year now.
“All you need nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and food
flavoring,” Floreck said. “You can just Google the products and buy them in bulk.”
Once he receives his shipment of ingredients, Floreck uses E-liquid
calculators online to make sure his measurements for the juice are precise. When
dealing with concentrated nicotine, Floreck notes how dangerous it can be when
used excessively, saying the right amount could easily poison a person. This is why
the E-liquid calculators are so important.
The clean-smoke trend has struck a particular interest in the teen
demographic. According to a New York Times article, the number of high school
teens who use electronic cigarettes tripled from 2013 to 2014, as thirteen percent of
high school students are now users of vapes. However, the trend is not limited to the
younger generations.
I’d say our customers range from 18 to some of our older customers who are
in their sixties and seventies,” Nick Luroque, a sales clerk at Up in Smoke said. “The
older people say the smoke is less harsh than a cigarette.”
With the trend gaining momentum faster than anticipated, the government is
having a tough time catching up when it comes to regulating the product. According
to the New York Times Article, the Food and Drug Administration is still developing
a ruling on the safety of e-cigarettes.
Due to the lack of education on electronic cigarettes, the concept of smoking
a vape in a public place is still up for debate. Some shops in downtown Plattsburgh
are accepting of the new trend, letting customers indulge in vaping while in their
“We’re ok with people using them in here,” owner of the Koffee Kat, Patty
Waldron said. “As long as it doesn’t bother others and it’s not harmful to them then
we’re fine with it. The smells not terrible either.”
Waldron used to be an electronic cigarette smoker herself, saying it was a
helpful way for her to quit smoking. With smoking being the number preventable
cause of death in the United States, killing 480,000 people a year, many smokers like
Waldron look to the vape to quit smoking, as it has become known as the healthier
Another aspect that draws people to use electronic cigarettes is the fact that
it is significantly cheaper than buying a pack. A typical electronic cigarette goes for
anywhere from 30 to 100 dollars according to Luroque.
“I put it all out on paper for my mom to show her that it would end up being
cheaper to smoke an electronic cigarette.” Luroque said. “She smokes one to two
packs a day so it would be a big help to her health also.”
Although the use of e-cigarettes is on the rise, a good amount of smokers are
sticking to their old-fashioned ways despite the growing availability of the product.
Some gas stations now sell electronic-cigarette cartridges. Pauline Ramsey, a
partner of the Stewarts on Rugar Street, has not seen to many customers opting for
the new-age smoke.
“I think people are going to continue to use what they want until they are
ready to quit.” Ramsey said. “Try as you may, some people can’t quit right off the
Cardinal Singers take on classic opera
By Jasely Molina
PSU Cardinal Singers and College Chorale collaborated to perform in SUNY Plattsburgh
Department of Music’s annual Choralfest concert, April 15 at the Plattsburgh United Methodist
Members of the PSU and Plattsburgh community gathered to watch and listen as Cardinal
Singers and College Chorale celebrated the works of Faure, Brahms, Dowland, and Hans Leo
Hassler. Cardinal Singers and College Chorale performed separate selections but merged
together to perform Faure’s “Requiem.” Choralfest directed by Jo Ellen Miano featured the
talents of Soprano Ayrice Wilson and Baritone Darik Knutsen in Gabriel Faure’s “Requiem.”
Choralfest typically takes place in E. Glenn Giltz auditorium at SUNY Plattsburgh;
however, the Plattsburgh United Methodist Church provided the choirs with the acoustics and
organ essential to bring out the best quality. “We do have an electric organ that we could ship
anywhere, but there’s no comparison with the quality of the organ. I wanted to find a venue that
had a beautiful organ. The church was also very flexible and worked with us in terms of
equipment. They did a lot and really accommodated for us, ” Miano said.
The event began with College Chorale’s rendition of Dowland’s “What If I Never Speed,”
Brahms’ “Wondrous Cool, Thou Woodland Quiet” and Hassler “Cantate Domino.” After that,
Cardinal Singers performed Brahms’ Motet, Op. 29. An intermission followed as the orchestra
arranged its instruments, which consisted of violas, cellos, bass, harp, French horns and pipe
organ. Shortly after, Cardinal Singers and College Choir united to perform “Requiem.
Professional Opera Singer Darik Knutsen joined the choirs and performed the baritone solo
in “Requiem” titled “Libera Me.” PSU Senior Ayrice Wilson performed the soprano solo “Pie
“I’m really happy. This is a special piece for me. It is really touching. I haven’t done this
song in four years. It brought up a lot of memories, ” Knutsen said. Knutsen was contacted
through Miano and a former music student to fill in for the former baritone soloist. He was able
to rehearse with Miano prior to the show. He believes that the orchestra and choirs has a warm
ambience and sound. “It was lovely, we put together a nice audience,” he said.
The choirs, orchestra, and soloists were met with applause from the audience. College
Chorale Tenor Tyler Lefleur found Choralfest to be an unforgettable experience. “This was my
second time participating in ChoralFest. It was a lot of fun to have the orchestra accompany the
choirs. The orchestra and choir complemented each other and gave the pieces a personal and
warm touch, ” Lefleur said. He explained that he had spent a lot of time working on learning the
song and solidifying the notes.
PSU Senior Mariah Santiago attended Choralfest and was “blown away” by the
performance. This was her first time attending anything music related in Plattsburgh; however,
she intends on going to more shows. “I loved how professional everyone sounded. I wouldn’t
have been able to tell that these were college students. It was a job well done,” she said.
Miano sees this year’s Choralfest as a success. She is excited about the next steps for the
Cardinal Singers and College Choir. Next semester, both choirs will be merging into “Concert
“What we have have been doing for years with Choralfest, merging the two groups
together, we’ll now have for the whole semester. I’m really excited for that,” Miano said.
PSU Cardinal Singers and College Chorale collaborated to perform in SUNY Plattsburgh
Department of Music’s annual Choralfest concert, April 15 at the Plattsburgh United Methodist
Members of the PSU and Plattsburgh community gathered to watch and listen as Cardinal
Singers and College Chorale celebrated the works of Faure, Brahms, Dowland, and Hans Leo
Hassler. Cardinal Singers and College Chorale performed separate selections but merged
together to perform Faure’s “Requiem.” Choralfest directed by Jo Ellen Miano featured the
talents of Soprano Ayrice Wilson and Baritone Darik Knutsen in Gabriel Faure’s “Requiem.”
Choralfest typically takes place in E. Glenn Giltz auditorium at SUNY Plattsburgh;
however, the Plattsburgh United Methodist Church provided the choirs with the acoustics and
organ essential to bring out the best quality. “We do have an electric organ that we could ship
anywhere, but there’s no comparison with the quality of the organ. I wanted to find a venue that
had a beautiful organ. The church was also very flexible and worked with us in terms of
equipment. They did a lot and really accommodated for us, ” Miano said.
The event began with College Chorale’s rendition of Dowland’s “What If I Never Speed,”
Brahms’ “Wondrous Cool, Thou Woodland Quiet” and Hassler “Cantate Domino.” After that,
Cardinal Singers performed Brahms’ Motet, Op. 29. An intermission followed as the orchestra
arranged its instruments, which consisted of violas, cellos, bass, harp, French horns and pipe
organ. Shortly after, Cardinal Singers and College Choir united to perform “Requiem.
Professional Opera Singer Darik Knutsen joined the choirs and performed the baritone solo
in “Requiem” titled “Libera Me.” PSU Senior Ayrice Wilson performed the soprano solo “Pie
“I’m really happy. This is a special piece for me. It is really touching. I haven’t done this
song in four years. It brought up a lot of memories, ” Knutsen said. Knutsen was contacted
through Miano and a former music student to fill in for the former baritone soloist. He was able
to rehearse with Miano prior to the show. He believes that the orchestra and choirs has a warm
ambience and sound. “It was lovely, we put together a nice audience,” he said.
The choirs, orchestra, and soloists were met with applause from the audience. College
Chorale Tenor Tyler Lefleur found Choralfest to be an unforgettable experience. “This was my
second time participating in ChoralFest. It was a lot of fun to have the orchestra accompany the
choirs. The orchestra and choir complemented each other and gave the pieces a personal and
warm touch, ” Lefleur said. He explained that he had spent a lot of time working on learning the
song and solidifying the notes.
PSU Senior Mariah Santiago attended Choralfest and was “blown away” by the
performance. This was her first time attending anything music related in Plattsburgh; however,
she intends on going to more shows. “I loved how professional everyone sounded. I wouldn’t
have been able to tell that these were college students. It was a job well done,” she said.
Miano sees this year’s Choralfest as a success. She is excited about the next steps for the
Cardinal Singers and College Choir. Next semester, both choirs will be merging into “Concert
“What we have have been doing for years with Choralfest, merging the two groups
together, we’ll now have for the whole semester. I’m really excited for that,” Miano said.
Old soul makes modern art
By Emily Kim
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y.-- Art can be a painting from Van Gough, a symphony by
Beethoven, splattered paint on the wall by a five-year-old, or ink tattooed on a person’s
back. People have different perspectives on what art is, and for Kristen Neverett-Brown,
tattoos are a form of endearment.
Brown is the owner and tattooist at In Living Color Tattooing and Body Piercing,
located on 85 Margaret St. Plattsburgh, New York. Opened for 22 years, this is one of the
oldest tattoo studios in the area.
Brown had gotten her first tattoo with her then girlfriend and now maid of honor.
Her maid of honor had given Brown the idea to open up her own business after their
disappointing experience with their first tattoos. Her maid of honor thought that Brown
could have done a better job than the tattooist they had went to, and she was right.
“She really took the time to center my tattoo on my body and it came out
beautifully,” Michelle Chiudina, a customer of Kristen’s said.
Meghan Riley is the body piercer at In Living Color and has been working
alongside Brown for 9 years. Brown has been tattooing her since she was 17, and ever
since she was younger, Riley knew that the place to come was here.
“She’s one of the oldest around so she has a really good client based and she has
people that have been coming here for a long time,” Riley said.
Customers continue to come back to Brown not only because of her obvious skills
in tattooing, but because of the way she is able to make customers feel while getting their
tattoos. Her personality and support creates the magic behind the scenes. There is a
certain aroma to the environment that she has created. The easy sunlight beaming through
the second story windows and the warm colors covering the room give off comfort and
safety to everyone who walks into her studio.
Justin Paolicelli, a customer of Kristen’s said, “She's a very down to earth women
and she definitely knows how to make you laugh, which made me feel comfortable
getting a tattoo in that type of environment.”
Brown has the success that she does because she is good at being a tattooist, but
also because she is passionate about tattoos. She finds meaning and joy in the art of
branding your body.
“It’s a way to individualize yourself. Most of the time people go through
something catastrophic or wonderful and want something to depict that event in their
life,” Brown said.
She takes her time to make sure that the customer is aware of the process and
what is happening every step of the way. Brown recognizes that tattoos can be a personal
and emotional work of art. She makes the process very personal and her customers are
able to easily trust her.
“I was tearing up through the process because the tattoo hurt like crazy, but right
before Kristen finished, she said, ‘Grandma's gonna give you a hug and a kiss and then
you're all done,’ and at that point I just burst out in tears,” Chiudina said.
Everyone has a different story, and whether there’s an emotional connection,
meaning, or it was a spontaneous decision, there is no one reason why anyone gets a
“I think people exploring this art tend to gravitate towards it cause it gives them
some sort of outlet some sort of joy,” Brown said.
The people of Plattsburgh have been coming to Brown for the past 22 years with
new and returning customers every day. People walk into her studio disappointed to find
out that the next available time would be no earlier than a month.
“Just recently I got a tattoo and was planning on going back, but I called and she
was all booked up till May,” Paolicelli said.
Brown is booked up because she is fair with her pricing and creates a fun
atmosphere. She knows what she is doing and customers come back because they know
that they will get what they paid for. No one will have to experience what Brown and her
maid of honor experienced with their first tattoos. She’s a tattooist that understands the
quality and meaning of tattoos.
“I love the art. For me it’s an endearment,” Brown said.
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y.-- Art can be a painting from Van Gough, a symphony by
Beethoven, splattered paint on the wall by a five-year-old, or ink tattooed on a person’s
back. People have different perspectives on what art is, and for Kristen Neverett-Brown,
tattoos are a form of endearment.
Brown is the owner and tattooist at In Living Color Tattooing and Body Piercing,
located on 85 Margaret St. Plattsburgh, New York. Opened for 22 years, this is one of the
oldest tattoo studios in the area.
Brown had gotten her first tattoo with her then girlfriend and now maid of honor.
Her maid of honor had given Brown the idea to open up her own business after their
disappointing experience with their first tattoos. Her maid of honor thought that Brown
could have done a better job than the tattooist they had went to, and she was right.
“She really took the time to center my tattoo on my body and it came out
beautifully,” Michelle Chiudina, a customer of Kristen’s said.
Meghan Riley is the body piercer at In Living Color and has been working
alongside Brown for 9 years. Brown has been tattooing her since she was 17, and ever
since she was younger, Riley knew that the place to come was here.
“She’s one of the oldest around so she has a really good client based and she has
people that have been coming here for a long time,” Riley said.
Customers continue to come back to Brown not only because of her obvious skills
in tattooing, but because of the way she is able to make customers feel while getting their
tattoos. Her personality and support creates the magic behind the scenes. There is a
certain aroma to the environment that she has created. The easy sunlight beaming through
the second story windows and the warm colors covering the room give off comfort and
safety to everyone who walks into her studio.
Justin Paolicelli, a customer of Kristen’s said, “She's a very down to earth women
and she definitely knows how to make you laugh, which made me feel comfortable
getting a tattoo in that type of environment.”
Brown has the success that she does because she is good at being a tattooist, but
also because she is passionate about tattoos. She finds meaning and joy in the art of
branding your body.
“It’s a way to individualize yourself. Most of the time people go through
something catastrophic or wonderful and want something to depict that event in their
life,” Brown said.
She takes her time to make sure that the customer is aware of the process and
what is happening every step of the way. Brown recognizes that tattoos can be a personal
and emotional work of art. She makes the process very personal and her customers are
able to easily trust her.
“I was tearing up through the process because the tattoo hurt like crazy, but right
before Kristen finished, she said, ‘Grandma's gonna give you a hug and a kiss and then
you're all done,’ and at that point I just burst out in tears,” Chiudina said.
Everyone has a different story, and whether there’s an emotional connection,
meaning, or it was a spontaneous decision, there is no one reason why anyone gets a
“I think people exploring this art tend to gravitate towards it cause it gives them
some sort of outlet some sort of joy,” Brown said.
The people of Plattsburgh have been coming to Brown for the past 22 years with
new and returning customers every day. People walk into her studio disappointed to find
out that the next available time would be no earlier than a month.
“Just recently I got a tattoo and was planning on going back, but I called and she
was all booked up till May,” Paolicelli said.
Brown is booked up because she is fair with her pricing and creates a fun
atmosphere. She knows what she is doing and customers come back because they know
that they will get what they paid for. No one will have to experience what Brown and her
maid of honor experienced with their first tattoos. She’s a tattooist that understands the
quality and meaning of tattoos.
“I love the art. For me it’s an endearment,” Brown said.
Fresh, organic and delicious
By Kristen Suarez
PLATTSBURGH N.Y — As you take the beautiful ride out to West Chazy you’ll notice
amongst the open land a large wooden house called Conroy’s Organics. Upon entering
the café the smell of fresh baked goodies and bacon hits you. Out from the back comes a
peppy 5’0 woman by the name of Tracy-Vicory Rosenquest, the owner of the café,
carrying a plate full of freshly smoked bacon.
“Tracy is a great business partner. She's willing, and always has been, to put herself in
tough situations and see her way through.” Christopher Rosenquest, husband and co-
owner, said.
During the summer you can swing by the café for some good music, food, and bounding
on the farm outback. Rosenquest is not only a woman business owner, but also a
playwright and lover of community building with many talents.
She grew up in a small town in Kansas, where she spent her childhood. During high
school she was involved in many activities such as book photographer, tennis team, track,
and the national honors society.
“One day she came home from school, sat down in the kitchen chair and started to cry.
She was overwhelmed with all that she was required to complete in that period of time. I
said to her, “Tracy, do you need to drop out of some of these things?” Her response at 16
or 17 was “not yet”. To which she got up, went upstairs, got focused, and went forth. She
dropped out of none of her activities and finished each with a high level of integrity.”
Susan Victory, mother, said.
She then moved to Minneapolis where she attended Gustavus Adolphus College for
undergrad studying religion and woman’s gender studies. It wasn’t until 2002 during her
final year that she discovered her passion for creative writing during an independent
Rosenquest moved on to work for a non-for-profit in 2004, helping homeless families
find a home. She felt the work she was doing was important, but didn’t feel like she was
good at her job. One day her boss told her about a program called Landmark Worldwide,
a company that offers personal development programs. She took the course to help
further her creative writing.
“When I did my landmark form, it completely altered the actions I took in reality and
when you alter the actions you take you begin doing things that you were previously just
talked about and now create action in your life.”
After attending the form she realized she had strong passion for playwriting. She began
writing and producing scripts through Fringe Festival in Minneapolis.
“It’s been 12 years since I’ve done that course, and now I lead a program with the
company called the self-expression and leadership program. And people take on
community projects on important things that matter to them and develop themselves as
leaders in their community” she said.
In 2007, she moved to Port Townsend WA, where she attended Goddard College,
graduating with a MFA in creative writing. She began creating work that tied in human
thinking, and experiences.
“I think the thing that I love about play writing and producing is it’s not just this thing
I’m doing, it’s creative work that the community is creating for themselves, and for a
wider community.”
After graduating in 2009, Rosenquest worked for The Young Playwright Program, where
she taught students of all ages to write plays, and produce them.
“When I watched these kids preform I was so moved I thought, “wow this is real theatre.”
When something authentic can be expressed. It’s not all the fancy hoopla but its all real
so authentic, and speaking of humanity.” Rosenquest said.
Then in 2013, an opportunity arose for Rosenquest’s husband. They moved back to his
hometown, Plattsburgh, where he ran for mayor.
“He was the third candidate, and it was the crazy most awesome experience. It was a real
clear experience to have an impact on a higher level than just oh yeah I volunteer.”
Rosenquest said.
The couple brought up conversations around creating different possibilities in
Plattsburgh, and asking the community what the people want. After loosing the race they
began taking on multiple community project around Plattsburgh, such as the International
Film Festival, which has been held the last three years.
In 2015, Shawna Kelty, theatre faculty at SUNY Plattsburgh, reached out to Rosenquest
in regards to producing a play she wrote through the SUNY Plattsburgh Theatre
Throughout the last year she has worked on developing, and producing her play called
First Born. Her script was used in a theatre class, and was preformed March 3-6th at
SUNY Plattsburgh.
“Delving into Tracy's mind and piecing together her story was something I'll never
forget. Working with the playwright is interesting because you get to develop certain
characteristics and then tweak them to make them your own. It was challenging as an
actor, but seeing the story through Tracy's eyes was remarkable.” Audra Colino, SUNY
Plattsburgh student said.
Rosenquest was given a $2,000 budget for design, along with a director, and full artist
team to help produce First Born. After positive feedback from all who saw the show,
Rosenquest intends on continuing to produce, and develop the script.
“Tracy was so into the art and telling the story that ego was infused into a collaborative
work. I am working with her again developing a piece and love working with her equally
as much on this. She’s a treasure of the North Country and I am glad to have gotten to
work with her.” Timothy Wagner, director of First Born, said.
PLATTSBURGH N.Y — As you take the beautiful ride out to West Chazy you’ll notice
amongst the open land a large wooden house called Conroy’s Organics. Upon entering
the café the smell of fresh baked goodies and bacon hits you. Out from the back comes a
peppy 5’0 woman by the name of Tracy-Vicory Rosenquest, the owner of the café,
carrying a plate full of freshly smoked bacon.
“Tracy is a great business partner. She's willing, and always has been, to put herself in
tough situations and see her way through.” Christopher Rosenquest, husband and co-
owner, said.
During the summer you can swing by the café for some good music, food, and bounding
on the farm outback. Rosenquest is not only a woman business owner, but also a
playwright and lover of community building with many talents.
She grew up in a small town in Kansas, where she spent her childhood. During high
school she was involved in many activities such as book photographer, tennis team, track,
and the national honors society.
“One day she came home from school, sat down in the kitchen chair and started to cry.
She was overwhelmed with all that she was required to complete in that period of time. I
said to her, “Tracy, do you need to drop out of some of these things?” Her response at 16
or 17 was “not yet”. To which she got up, went upstairs, got focused, and went forth. She
dropped out of none of her activities and finished each with a high level of integrity.”
Susan Victory, mother, said.
She then moved to Minneapolis where she attended Gustavus Adolphus College for
undergrad studying religion and woman’s gender studies. It wasn’t until 2002 during her
final year that she discovered her passion for creative writing during an independent
Rosenquest moved on to work for a non-for-profit in 2004, helping homeless families
find a home. She felt the work she was doing was important, but didn’t feel like she was
good at her job. One day her boss told her about a program called Landmark Worldwide,
a company that offers personal development programs. She took the course to help
further her creative writing.
“When I did my landmark form, it completely altered the actions I took in reality and
when you alter the actions you take you begin doing things that you were previously just
talked about and now create action in your life.”
After attending the form she realized she had strong passion for playwriting. She began
writing and producing scripts through Fringe Festival in Minneapolis.
“It’s been 12 years since I’ve done that course, and now I lead a program with the
company called the self-expression and leadership program. And people take on
community projects on important things that matter to them and develop themselves as
leaders in their community” she said.
In 2007, she moved to Port Townsend WA, where she attended Goddard College,
graduating with a MFA in creative writing. She began creating work that tied in human
thinking, and experiences.
“I think the thing that I love about play writing and producing is it’s not just this thing
I’m doing, it’s creative work that the community is creating for themselves, and for a
wider community.”
After graduating in 2009, Rosenquest worked for The Young Playwright Program, where
she taught students of all ages to write plays, and produce them.
“When I watched these kids preform I was so moved I thought, “wow this is real theatre.”
When something authentic can be expressed. It’s not all the fancy hoopla but its all real
so authentic, and speaking of humanity.” Rosenquest said.
Then in 2013, an opportunity arose for Rosenquest’s husband. They moved back to his
hometown, Plattsburgh, where he ran for mayor.
“He was the third candidate, and it was the crazy most awesome experience. It was a real
clear experience to have an impact on a higher level than just oh yeah I volunteer.”
Rosenquest said.
The couple brought up conversations around creating different possibilities in
Plattsburgh, and asking the community what the people want. After loosing the race they
began taking on multiple community project around Plattsburgh, such as the International
Film Festival, which has been held the last three years.
In 2015, Shawna Kelty, theatre faculty at SUNY Plattsburgh, reached out to Rosenquest
in regards to producing a play she wrote through the SUNY Plattsburgh Theatre
Throughout the last year she has worked on developing, and producing her play called
First Born. Her script was used in a theatre class, and was preformed March 3-6th at
SUNY Plattsburgh.
“Delving into Tracy's mind and piecing together her story was something I'll never
forget. Working with the playwright is interesting because you get to develop certain
characteristics and then tweak them to make them your own. It was challenging as an
actor, but seeing the story through Tracy's eyes was remarkable.” Audra Colino, SUNY
Plattsburgh student said.
Rosenquest was given a $2,000 budget for design, along with a director, and full artist
team to help produce First Born. After positive feedback from all who saw the show,
Rosenquest intends on continuing to produce, and develop the script.
“Tracy was so into the art and telling the story that ego was infused into a collaborative
work. I am working with her again developing a piece and love working with her equally
as much on this. She’s a treasure of the North Country and I am glad to have gotten to
work with her.” Timothy Wagner, director of First Born, said.
Downtown Association talks sidewalks
By Winta Matteous Mebrahti
For the past four or five years, Plattsburgh's downtown has seen the sidewalks as an extension of
their business. Every summer, locals made their way to their favorite establishment with outdoor
seating to bask in the sun and enjoy the summer parades with a drink in hand. As harmless as this
activity may sound, it alienated a group of people who expect a full downtown experience, people
with disabilities.
Last week, the City of Plattsburgh amended the sidewalk laws to make downtown ADA
compliant by the summer. City Engineer Kevin Farrington said the public hearing held April 7 in
which the city heard the people's concerns about the sidewalks resulted in changes to the sidewalk
laws. Farrington believes that's a step in the right direction for the City of Plattsburgh which
recently made City Hall accessible.
Though the sidewalk laws at first didn't address the potential problems of outdoor seating,
Farrington said the city has been working hard to identify problem areas that still remain and put a
plan to improve on them. One way it plans to do so is by having an ADA self evaluation and
transition plan. The city will soon advertise for a request to get specialty assistance so they can
make Plattsburgh accessible to everyone.
The law states that there needs to be at least a 5-foot-wide walking path, preferably straight,
for pedestrians. Sidewalks throughout the city are between 5 and 14 feet, so businesses that have a
5-foot sidewalk, will have to keep it clear or else it would be considered an obstruction. These
changes to the sidewalk laws are welcomed by Plattsburgh Downtown Association President and
Champlain Wine Company co-owner Colin Read.
“We encourage all of our members to be more mindful when they use public space to make
sure that nobody feels intruded upon or unwelcome in the public space,” Read said. “But we do also
encourage merchants to use the public space to attract people to the shop as well.”
Read also said the association is increasing the awareness to this issue to help merchants
who are sensitive to this issue, and he encourages those who are unhappy with their downtown
experience to reach out to the downtown businesses, so they can find solutions to those issues.
Plattsburgh State student Kolby Keysor who uses a wheelchair said he thinks the changes to
the sidewalk laws are necessary if the tables have caused people any inconvenience. Because
Keysor drives everywhere he usually just parks outside the stores and restaurants he is visiting
which is why he hasn't experienced the issues with outdoor seatings.
“I've never really seen outdoor seating block a sidewalk, but if it did obviously something
has to be done about it,” Keysor said. “You can't hop off the curb in the road and get back on the
curb by yourself.”
Though he said he hadn't experienced much inconvenience downtown, in places like
Peabody's where there's no elevator, Keysor receives help from friends and his girlfriend, Kaitlyn
Timmons, to get up the stairs. Though both Keysor and Timmons feel it would've been easier if
ramps and elevators were available, they say “there's always someone around to help.”
These types of limitations aren't uncommon in Plattsburgh. Although he is appreciative of
the changes made to the sidewalk laws, Robert Poulin, executive director of the North Country
Center for Independence, said there's still more work to be done. Just two weeks ago he received
complaints about the bathrooms at the Crete Memorial Civic Center not being ADA compliant. He
also mentioned that the access for people with disabilities at the Plattsburgh recreation facility on
the U.S. Oval and some parks in the city is poor. Part of the reason these problems still exist is that
the cities and states are expected to enforce ADA themselves, Poulin said.
“The cities and states haven't been good at doing it themselves, so they haven't been good at
enforcing it with businesses,” Poulin said. “It really is incumbent on advocates to do constant work
to educate and push. That's about all the leverage we have.”
However in 2012, advocates and the NCCI had the New York State Attorney General Office
on their side. After receiving complaints about Champlain Centre's reduction of handicap parking
spaces and curb cuts, the NCCI had discussions with the owners, Pyramid management group, to no
avail. So they filed a complaint with the New York State's Attorney General Office. The state
attorney general had a state-wide investigation which resulted in an out-of-court settlement and a
$160,000 fine.
“Sometimes you can get big victories like we did with the attorney general,” Poulin said. “In
the case of private companies the attorney general is empowered to do something, but when it
comes to the city the attorney general has to defend the city.”
Despite the cities' inability to enforce ADA, he does recognize Plattsburgh city mayor, James
Calnon's, work to make the city more accessible.
“I have to say this particular mayor has been in office for only a few years, but he has moved
many more than any official has,” Poulin said. “City Hall wasn't accessible until this year. They are
just finishing up with their accessibility. To go 25 years with City Hall not being accessible, that's
really bad. But they are at the verge of having it fully accessible now.”
Poulin and Keysor agree that to speed up the process of making Plattsburgh accessible to all
people need to voice their opinions and experiences. Poulin said he would like to see universities,
high schools and elementary schools be more vocal. The reason being that you're more likely to find
those places to be the only ADA accessible buildings in an area. In collaboration with local
businesses, the education department, Poulin believes, can influence the cities to be accessible.
Keysor on the other hand thinks it's up to those who are affected.
“You don't really think about any of it until you're in the situation, ” he said. “If I was walking down
the road, and saw the seating outside blocking the sidewalk I wouldn't think anything of it. But now
that I have to make my way around it I do. If more people like me (those who use wheelchairs)
spoke out, it would make it easier.”
For the past four or five years, Plattsburgh's downtown has seen the sidewalks as an extension of
their business. Every summer, locals made their way to their favorite establishment with outdoor
seating to bask in the sun and enjoy the summer parades with a drink in hand. As harmless as this
activity may sound, it alienated a group of people who expect a full downtown experience, people
with disabilities.
Last week, the City of Plattsburgh amended the sidewalk laws to make downtown ADA
compliant by the summer. City Engineer Kevin Farrington said the public hearing held April 7 in
which the city heard the people's concerns about the sidewalks resulted in changes to the sidewalk
laws. Farrington believes that's a step in the right direction for the City of Plattsburgh which
recently made City Hall accessible.
Though the sidewalk laws at first didn't address the potential problems of outdoor seating,
Farrington said the city has been working hard to identify problem areas that still remain and put a
plan to improve on them. One way it plans to do so is by having an ADA self evaluation and
transition plan. The city will soon advertise for a request to get specialty assistance so they can
make Plattsburgh accessible to everyone.
The law states that there needs to be at least a 5-foot-wide walking path, preferably straight,
for pedestrians. Sidewalks throughout the city are between 5 and 14 feet, so businesses that have a
5-foot sidewalk, will have to keep it clear or else it would be considered an obstruction. These
changes to the sidewalk laws are welcomed by Plattsburgh Downtown Association President and
Champlain Wine Company co-owner Colin Read.
“We encourage all of our members to be more mindful when they use public space to make
sure that nobody feels intruded upon or unwelcome in the public space,” Read said. “But we do also
encourage merchants to use the public space to attract people to the shop as well.”
Read also said the association is increasing the awareness to this issue to help merchants
who are sensitive to this issue, and he encourages those who are unhappy with their downtown
experience to reach out to the downtown businesses, so they can find solutions to those issues.
Plattsburgh State student Kolby Keysor who uses a wheelchair said he thinks the changes to
the sidewalk laws are necessary if the tables have caused people any inconvenience. Because
Keysor drives everywhere he usually just parks outside the stores and restaurants he is visiting
which is why he hasn't experienced the issues with outdoor seatings.
“I've never really seen outdoor seating block a sidewalk, but if it did obviously something
has to be done about it,” Keysor said. “You can't hop off the curb in the road and get back on the
curb by yourself.”
Though he said he hadn't experienced much inconvenience downtown, in places like
Peabody's where there's no elevator, Keysor receives help from friends and his girlfriend, Kaitlyn
Timmons, to get up the stairs. Though both Keysor and Timmons feel it would've been easier if
ramps and elevators were available, they say “there's always someone around to help.”
These types of limitations aren't uncommon in Plattsburgh. Although he is appreciative of
the changes made to the sidewalk laws, Robert Poulin, executive director of the North Country
Center for Independence, said there's still more work to be done. Just two weeks ago he received
complaints about the bathrooms at the Crete Memorial Civic Center not being ADA compliant. He
also mentioned that the access for people with disabilities at the Plattsburgh recreation facility on
the U.S. Oval and some parks in the city is poor. Part of the reason these problems still exist is that
the cities and states are expected to enforce ADA themselves, Poulin said.
“The cities and states haven't been good at doing it themselves, so they haven't been good at
enforcing it with businesses,” Poulin said. “It really is incumbent on advocates to do constant work
to educate and push. That's about all the leverage we have.”
However in 2012, advocates and the NCCI had the New York State Attorney General Office
on their side. After receiving complaints about Champlain Centre's reduction of handicap parking
spaces and curb cuts, the NCCI had discussions with the owners, Pyramid management group, to no
avail. So they filed a complaint with the New York State's Attorney General Office. The state
attorney general had a state-wide investigation which resulted in an out-of-court settlement and a
$160,000 fine.
“Sometimes you can get big victories like we did with the attorney general,” Poulin said. “In
the case of private companies the attorney general is empowered to do something, but when it
comes to the city the attorney general has to defend the city.”
Despite the cities' inability to enforce ADA, he does recognize Plattsburgh city mayor, James
Calnon's, work to make the city more accessible.
“I have to say this particular mayor has been in office for only a few years, but he has moved
many more than any official has,” Poulin said. “City Hall wasn't accessible until this year. They are
just finishing up with their accessibility. To go 25 years with City Hall not being accessible, that's
really bad. But they are at the verge of having it fully accessible now.”
Poulin and Keysor agree that to speed up the process of making Plattsburgh accessible to all
people need to voice their opinions and experiences. Poulin said he would like to see universities,
high schools and elementary schools be more vocal. The reason being that you're more likely to find
those places to be the only ADA accessible buildings in an area. In collaboration with local
businesses, the education department, Poulin believes, can influence the cities to be accessible.
Keysor on the other hand thinks it's up to those who are affected.
“You don't really think about any of it until you're in the situation, ” he said. “If I was walking down
the road, and saw the seating outside blocking the sidewalk I wouldn't think anything of it. But now
that I have to make my way around it I do. If more people like me (those who use wheelchairs)
spoke out, it would make it easier.”
Champlain Wine Company thinks local
By Olivia Cahill
PLATTSBUGH, NY. – While strolling through the downtown Plattsburgh area
there are many places to visit and spend an afternoon. Among the unique
establishments downtown would be the local wine tasting room, the Champlain
Wine Company. Located at 30 City Hall Place, local wine lovers can stop in and enjoy
several samples of the different wines and sorbets that has a depth of flavor all
created by the company.
Co-owners Natalie Peck and Colin Read didn’t always envision creating the
wine company. When they are not up at their vinyard or at the tasting room, you can
find Read in the economics and finance department and Peck in institutional
advancement at Plattsburgh State.
“When we started out, we really just wanted to develop a farm that my
husband owned up in Mooers, NY. He had purchased the property mainly because of
the configuration of the land as he wanted to build a landing strip for his small four-
seater airplane.” Peck said. “We began talking about other ways that we could
develop the land and were looking into a range of options. We saw a few small
vineyards on Route 9 North and I began looking into planting grapes.”
Most people think of vineyards as being located in the warmth of Tuscany,
Italy or Sonoma, Cali. Because of the harsh climates Plattsburgh, Peck had to do her
research before diving deeper into the idea. “I found out that we could plant cold-
hardy hybrids that would withstand the cold temperatures and started talking to
other growers about the prospect of that. We planted our first vines without any
notion of becoming a commercial small farm winery.” Peck said. “We were only
going to sell the grapes. Then as looking more into the winery aspect of the business
and the emerging wine trail, we decided that we wanted to get into that area. So, I
trained with a winemaker for about a year to learn the basic skills of winemaking
and we opened our tasting room in downtown Plattsburgh.”
After planting their first vines in 2008, they currently have over four
thousand vines, making them the largest winery in the North Country. But they
don’t just sit on their success as a wine company; they also reach out into the
community and partner with other local business.
While some businesses seek to compete against one another, the Champlain
Wine Company has a rather different approach. As president of Plattsburgh
Downtown Association, Read believes that if the business in downtown Plattsburgh
work together, they will revitalize the downtown area. In order to help promote
other businesses, the Champlain Wine Company collaborates and sells many
different items from local business owners and artists.
Ashley Clark, co-owner of Sacred Roots Maple, agrees with Read. “We believe
in relationship building and connecting with local businesses in Plattsburgh. That is
the key to seeing our community grow and prosper. It's such a blessing to be able to
connect with like minded people in this community like the Champlain Wine
Company.” Clark said. Some of the different syrups are used in the tastings provided
by the wine company.
Karen Parker has worked with the company since they had their original
tasting room at 8 City Hall Place. “In 2015, they invited me to sell my hand bead
woven jewelry there on consignment. This year, I began a collaboration with Natalie
to teach a series of glass painting workshops.” Parker said. “As an artist, I benefit
from the exposure and it's great to have a local venue where people can buy my
Michelle Doorey of Essential Oils collaborated several times through
workshops and selling essentials oils through the company. “When the Champlain
Wine Company moved and expanded, Natalie suggested I teach an oils class there,
and it was a hit. It has definitely helped my business and has also helped me to
overcome some obstacles I used to have with public speaking.” Doorey said. “Their
relentless vision and expansion breathes new life into downtown, especially for
those of us who have lived here most of our lives.”
The North Country Creamery also enjoyed working with the wine company.
Co-owner Ashlee Kleinhammer said, “Our favorite event with Champlain Wine
Company was a wine a cheese pairing last spring. Attendants indulged in their
deeper understanding and observation of flavors and terroir.” Terroir meaning the
environmental factors that give a crop it’s taste.
Each month the wine company features a local artist’s work. In addition, they
sell many other local crafts like hand beaded jewelry or baskets. They also are
planning a jazz festival in the summer where their costmers can mill around the
tasting room as well as listen to local jazz artists preform.
The many businesses that collaborate with Peck and Read also reap the
benefit of the different community events they hold. “My husband, friends and I all
love to attend community events at the Champlain Wine Company regularly.
Concerts, art shows, educational workshops, craft markets, we've done it all. In the
fall, our family was part of a day of harvest at Natalie and Colin's vineyard in
Mooers. I never realized what hard work it takes to get that beautiful finished
product! We are so thankful for Natalie and Colin.” Doorey said.
As for the future of the company, “I am looking forward to our vineyard
maturing and producing more grapes as well as experimenting with different types
of wine both grape and non-grape.” Peck said.
PLATTSBUGH, NY. – While strolling through the downtown Plattsburgh area
there are many places to visit and spend an afternoon. Among the unique
establishments downtown would be the local wine tasting room, the Champlain
Wine Company. Located at 30 City Hall Place, local wine lovers can stop in and enjoy
several samples of the different wines and sorbets that has a depth of flavor all
created by the company.
Co-owners Natalie Peck and Colin Read didn’t always envision creating the
wine company. When they are not up at their vinyard or at the tasting room, you can
find Read in the economics and finance department and Peck in institutional
advancement at Plattsburgh State.
“When we started out, we really just wanted to develop a farm that my
husband owned up in Mooers, NY. He had purchased the property mainly because of
the configuration of the land as he wanted to build a landing strip for his small four-
seater airplane.” Peck said. “We began talking about other ways that we could
develop the land and were looking into a range of options. We saw a few small
vineyards on Route 9 North and I began looking into planting grapes.”
Most people think of vineyards as being located in the warmth of Tuscany,
Italy or Sonoma, Cali. Because of the harsh climates Plattsburgh, Peck had to do her
research before diving deeper into the idea. “I found out that we could plant cold-
hardy hybrids that would withstand the cold temperatures and started talking to
other growers about the prospect of that. We planted our first vines without any
notion of becoming a commercial small farm winery.” Peck said. “We were only
going to sell the grapes. Then as looking more into the winery aspect of the business
and the emerging wine trail, we decided that we wanted to get into that area. So, I
trained with a winemaker for about a year to learn the basic skills of winemaking
and we opened our tasting room in downtown Plattsburgh.”
After planting their first vines in 2008, they currently have over four
thousand vines, making them the largest winery in the North Country. But they
don’t just sit on their success as a wine company; they also reach out into the
community and partner with other local business.
While some businesses seek to compete against one another, the Champlain
Wine Company has a rather different approach. As president of Plattsburgh
Downtown Association, Read believes that if the business in downtown Plattsburgh
work together, they will revitalize the downtown area. In order to help promote
other businesses, the Champlain Wine Company collaborates and sells many
different items from local business owners and artists.
Ashley Clark, co-owner of Sacred Roots Maple, agrees with Read. “We believe
in relationship building and connecting with local businesses in Plattsburgh. That is
the key to seeing our community grow and prosper. It's such a blessing to be able to
connect with like minded people in this community like the Champlain Wine
Company.” Clark said. Some of the different syrups are used in the tastings provided
by the wine company.
Karen Parker has worked with the company since they had their original
tasting room at 8 City Hall Place. “In 2015, they invited me to sell my hand bead
woven jewelry there on consignment. This year, I began a collaboration with Natalie
to teach a series of glass painting workshops.” Parker said. “As an artist, I benefit
from the exposure and it's great to have a local venue where people can buy my
Michelle Doorey of Essential Oils collaborated several times through
workshops and selling essentials oils through the company. “When the Champlain
Wine Company moved and expanded, Natalie suggested I teach an oils class there,
and it was a hit. It has definitely helped my business and has also helped me to
overcome some obstacles I used to have with public speaking.” Doorey said. “Their
relentless vision and expansion breathes new life into downtown, especially for
those of us who have lived here most of our lives.”
The North Country Creamery also enjoyed working with the wine company.
Co-owner Ashlee Kleinhammer said, “Our favorite event with Champlain Wine
Company was a wine a cheese pairing last spring. Attendants indulged in their
deeper understanding and observation of flavors and terroir.” Terroir meaning the
environmental factors that give a crop it’s taste.
Each month the wine company features a local artist’s work. In addition, they
sell many other local crafts like hand beaded jewelry or baskets. They also are
planning a jazz festival in the summer where their costmers can mill around the
tasting room as well as listen to local jazz artists preform.
The many businesses that collaborate with Peck and Read also reap the
benefit of the different community events they hold. “My husband, friends and I all
love to attend community events at the Champlain Wine Company regularly.
Concerts, art shows, educational workshops, craft markets, we've done it all. In the
fall, our family was part of a day of harvest at Natalie and Colin's vineyard in
Mooers. I never realized what hard work it takes to get that beautiful finished
product! We are so thankful for Natalie and Colin.” Doorey said.
As for the future of the company, “I am looking forward to our vineyard
maturing and producing more grapes as well as experimenting with different types
of wine both grape and non-grape.” Peck said.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Health violations not deterring customers
By Eve Barnofsky
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. - “Food with integrity”, an adage adorning the Chipotle menu, greets all
customers when they walk into one of Chipotle’s many locations. With the recent E. Coli
outbreaks, does Chipotle’s food have the integrity that they proudly allege?
E. coli, a bacteria found within the intestines of humans and many other animals, is
harmless under normal conditions, however, certain strains can cause food poisoning and, in
excessive amounts, can be lethal.
The initial Chipotle E. coli outbreak was reported at Chipotle’s Seattle location in July
2015, causing five people to fall ill, with the source of the illness a mystery.
In August of that same year, at a Chipotle location in Simi Valley, California, people
became sick from Norovirus, which is similar to E. coli. Norovirus differs from E. coli in that it
is transmitted through person-to-person contact and causes nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain. The source, in this case, turned out to be a sick Chipotle employee.
In September 2015, customers of a Minnesota Chipotle location reported being sick. It
was discovered soon after that the source of contamination was from tomatoes, however, it was
not known at what point of handling that the tomatoes had become contaminated.
Nine other states had reported E. coli outbreaks by October 2015, but the source of the E.
coli remained unknown.
By December 2015, the outbreak was still not declared over. Two more states had
reported cases of E. coli.
California, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Washington, Kansas, Oklahoma were all states reporting that a Chipotle location was a source of
an E. Coli outbreak. Eleven states, in total, had discovered that E. coli had infected costumers.
On Feb. 1, 2016 the CDC declared that the outbreak was over.
Chipotle decided to close all locations nation-wide on Feb. 8, 2016 in order to conduct
food safety meetings.
Deana Hopeck, a crew worker at Chipotles Plattsburgh, N.Y. location, was part of the
food safety meeting.
The staff watched videos on what had happened and how to prevent it from happening
the Plattsburgh location.
“Since the meeting so many new precautions have been put in place. We have a lot of
new different cleaning methods and a bunch of new cleaning supplies.” said Hopeck.
Having worked in restaurants before, she felt that Chipotle has always had good safety
Chipotle, since the outbreak, has changed the way its food is being both tested and
handled. As Hopeck said, they are also changing the cleaning methods as well as having new
safety training.
“It was clean to begin with and now it’s even cleaner, so I think they just got unlucky
with what happened.” said Hopeck.
Chipotle also sent out coupons to costumers on their mailing list. These coupons were for
free chips and salsa with a purchase of a menu item and for a free, burrito, bowl, taco and salad.
They also have a game online called Guac Hunter where you have a chance to win free
This outbreak though hasn't seemed to affect costumers at the Plattsburgh location.
Zach Bessarab, a frequent costumer at Chipotle, says the outbreak hasn't affected his
decision on whether or not he gets Chipotle.
“It’s too good not to have. I come here at least once a week and it hasn't affected me yet,
so I don't think it will.” said Bessarab.
Others share this opinion as well. Tim Houghtaling, another frequent costumer, feels as if
nothing has happened.
“I still go there two or three times a week. They’ve kept up pretty well, especially
handing out those free coupons for food.” said Houghtaling.
The Chipotle in Plattsburgh is still going strong. According to Hopeck people come in
with questions but people don't seem to be concerned.
Gavin Reken feels that the outbreak hasn't affected his opinion of Chipotle in any way.
“It hasn't affected me in any personal way. They gave me free food and I’m all for that.”
said Reken.
The Plattsburgh Chipotle location has not been affected by the E. coli. With the new
safety measures and the outbreaks over, there is hope that there will not be more out breaks.
However it does seem like with or without E. coli people will still be going to Chipotle.
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. - “Food with integrity”, an adage adorning the Chipotle menu, greets all
customers when they walk into one of Chipotle’s many locations. With the recent E. Coli
outbreaks, does Chipotle’s food have the integrity that they proudly allege?
E. coli, a bacteria found within the intestines of humans and many other animals, is
harmless under normal conditions, however, certain strains can cause food poisoning and, in
excessive amounts, can be lethal.
The initial Chipotle E. coli outbreak was reported at Chipotle’s Seattle location in July
2015, causing five people to fall ill, with the source of the illness a mystery.
In August of that same year, at a Chipotle location in Simi Valley, California, people
became sick from Norovirus, which is similar to E. coli. Norovirus differs from E. coli in that it
is transmitted through person-to-person contact and causes nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain. The source, in this case, turned out to be a sick Chipotle employee.
In September 2015, customers of a Minnesota Chipotle location reported being sick. It
was discovered soon after that the source of contamination was from tomatoes, however, it was
not known at what point of handling that the tomatoes had become contaminated.
Nine other states had reported E. coli outbreaks by October 2015, but the source of the E.
coli remained unknown.
By December 2015, the outbreak was still not declared over. Two more states had
reported cases of E. coli.
California, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Washington, Kansas, Oklahoma were all states reporting that a Chipotle location was a source of
an E. Coli outbreak. Eleven states, in total, had discovered that E. coli had infected costumers.
On Feb. 1, 2016 the CDC declared that the outbreak was over.
Chipotle decided to close all locations nation-wide on Feb. 8, 2016 in order to conduct
food safety meetings.
Deana Hopeck, a crew worker at Chipotles Plattsburgh, N.Y. location, was part of the
food safety meeting.
The staff watched videos on what had happened and how to prevent it from happening
the Plattsburgh location.
“Since the meeting so many new precautions have been put in place. We have a lot of
new different cleaning methods and a bunch of new cleaning supplies.” said Hopeck.
Having worked in restaurants before, she felt that Chipotle has always had good safety
Chipotle, since the outbreak, has changed the way its food is being both tested and
handled. As Hopeck said, they are also changing the cleaning methods as well as having new
safety training.
“It was clean to begin with and now it’s even cleaner, so I think they just got unlucky
with what happened.” said Hopeck.
Chipotle also sent out coupons to costumers on their mailing list. These coupons were for
free chips and salsa with a purchase of a menu item and for a free, burrito, bowl, taco and salad.
They also have a game online called Guac Hunter where you have a chance to win free
This outbreak though hasn't seemed to affect costumers at the Plattsburgh location.
Zach Bessarab, a frequent costumer at Chipotle, says the outbreak hasn't affected his
decision on whether or not he gets Chipotle.
“It’s too good not to have. I come here at least once a week and it hasn't affected me yet,
so I don't think it will.” said Bessarab.
Others share this opinion as well. Tim Houghtaling, another frequent costumer, feels as if
nothing has happened.
“I still go there two or three times a week. They’ve kept up pretty well, especially
handing out those free coupons for food.” said Houghtaling.
The Chipotle in Plattsburgh is still going strong. According to Hopeck people come in
with questions but people don't seem to be concerned.
Gavin Reken feels that the outbreak hasn't affected his opinion of Chipotle in any way.
“It hasn't affected me in any personal way. They gave me free food and I’m all for that.”
said Reken.
The Plattsburgh Chipotle location has not been affected by the E. coli. With the new
safety measures and the outbreaks over, there is hope that there will not be more out breaks.
However it does seem like with or without E. coli people will still be going to Chipotle.
Apple tries to protect privacy
By Batala Aristide
On a bright December day, Californians in the Department of Public Health were
preparing for an eventful day. The location of a training event followed by a
holiday party would be the highlight of the occasion but things drastically went
left. Little did they know that a disgruntled co-worker and his wife would go on a
malicious rampage ultimately taking the lives of 14 people and injuring 22 others
in the process. The act could be described as martyrdom or terrorism depending on
who you ask. But the outlier as a result of this horrific shooting is not the terrorists
themselves-but their phones.
The San Bernardino shooting was one of a few instances of mass killings last year,
but it was the one that focused mainly on the issue of privacy-in regards to how the
Federal government is handling the motives of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen
Malik-the San Bernardino shooters. Farook had an I-phone 5C and that prompted
the FBI to ask the assistance of Apple, inc. to create a similar version of the iOS-
Operating System to access the memory of the shooters’ phone.
The past few weeks have caused uproar in regards to whether or not it is
Constitutional for the government to pry into the phone records of individuals,
even if they are suspected terrorists, one that has even Apple CEO Tim Cook
hardening his core.
Some folks believe the definition of terrorism in of itself needs to be better
explained. Darnell Harris, a Political Science major attending Plattsburgh State
goes into more detail. “I think the government needs to better define terrorism and
who they call terrorists. Anyone can be a terrorist. There are European terrorist,
Black terrorist, Spanish terrorists” said Harris.
The question prompted Harris to recall an incident when traveling to Florida and
going through another round of searches after he had already gotten through metal
detectors. “I think they do that just to target Blacks and Muslims.
Harris has had his I-phone for six years and he still does not believe in the notion
of privacy. “There was never any privacy. They have been tapping our phones for
years” said Harris.
Some people agree with Harris’ sentiments. Logan Yandow, an up-and-coming
musician from Vermont believes that a situation such as the one with the Federal
Government and Apple can prompt a consolidation of information, like a new-aged
Orwellian nightmare. “I feel like they’re just trying to set precedence. It’s just
going to be a complete ownership of information”. On the subject of terrorism
Yandow says “We create terrorists, we are the biggest terrorists”.
Markus Dixon, a Criminal Justice major who has been watching the case closely
has a premise similar to Yandows; one that begs to ask, who really is a terrorist?
“If we commit terrorism, how can we police it? Two wrongs don’t make a right,”
said Dixon.
Not everyone believes the FBI is entirely wrong, as a matter of fact Kozue
Takahashi, a TV/Video production major who has had a I-phone since she was 19
believes the FBI is taking the necessary measures to catch said terrorists. “If they
can truly prevent terrorism then I agree” said Takahashi. Kozue is an international
student and she is cognizant of the hot button issue of privacy in American life,
whether she will be affected by it personally takahashi insures “if they want to see
my phone, go ahead. I have nothing to hide” she said.
In recent days, the government has informed the public they have unlocked the I-
phone via a third party. Whether this argument was about catching terrorists or
accessing private information, something Edward Snowden reminded people a few
years ago; regardless of your stance in this debate and whether you like Apple
products or not-this case in moral indignation has caused many people to Think
On a bright December day, Californians in the Department of Public Health were
preparing for an eventful day. The location of a training event followed by a
holiday party would be the highlight of the occasion but things drastically went
left. Little did they know that a disgruntled co-worker and his wife would go on a
malicious rampage ultimately taking the lives of 14 people and injuring 22 others
in the process. The act could be described as martyrdom or terrorism depending on
who you ask. But the outlier as a result of this horrific shooting is not the terrorists
themselves-but their phones.
The San Bernardino shooting was one of a few instances of mass killings last year,
but it was the one that focused mainly on the issue of privacy-in regards to how the
Federal government is handling the motives of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen
Malik-the San Bernardino shooters. Farook had an I-phone 5C and that prompted
the FBI to ask the assistance of Apple, inc. to create a similar version of the iOS-
Operating System to access the memory of the shooters’ phone.
The past few weeks have caused uproar in regards to whether or not it is
Constitutional for the government to pry into the phone records of individuals,
even if they are suspected terrorists, one that has even Apple CEO Tim Cook
hardening his core.
Some folks believe the definition of terrorism in of itself needs to be better
explained. Darnell Harris, a Political Science major attending Plattsburgh State
goes into more detail. “I think the government needs to better define terrorism and
who they call terrorists. Anyone can be a terrorist. There are European terrorist,
Black terrorist, Spanish terrorists” said Harris.
The question prompted Harris to recall an incident when traveling to Florida and
going through another round of searches after he had already gotten through metal
detectors. “I think they do that just to target Blacks and Muslims.
Harris has had his I-phone for six years and he still does not believe in the notion
of privacy. “There was never any privacy. They have been tapping our phones for
years” said Harris.
Some people agree with Harris’ sentiments. Logan Yandow, an up-and-coming
musician from Vermont believes that a situation such as the one with the Federal
Government and Apple can prompt a consolidation of information, like a new-aged
Orwellian nightmare. “I feel like they’re just trying to set precedence. It’s just
going to be a complete ownership of information”. On the subject of terrorism
Yandow says “We create terrorists, we are the biggest terrorists”.
Markus Dixon, a Criminal Justice major who has been watching the case closely
has a premise similar to Yandows; one that begs to ask, who really is a terrorist?
“If we commit terrorism, how can we police it? Two wrongs don’t make a right,”
said Dixon.
Not everyone believes the FBI is entirely wrong, as a matter of fact Kozue
Takahashi, a TV/Video production major who has had a I-phone since she was 19
believes the FBI is taking the necessary measures to catch said terrorists. “If they
can truly prevent terrorism then I agree” said Takahashi. Kozue is an international
student and she is cognizant of the hot button issue of privacy in American life,
whether she will be affected by it personally takahashi insures “if they want to see
my phone, go ahead. I have nothing to hide” she said.
In recent days, the government has informed the public they have unlocked the I-
phone via a third party. Whether this argument was about catching terrorists or
accessing private information, something Edward Snowden reminded people a few
years ago; regardless of your stance in this debate and whether you like Apple
products or not-this case in moral indignation has caused many people to Think
Positive image, self love important
By Emily Kim
A human’s body is a genetically made up structure that is unique only to that one
person. It’s something that you are born with and taking care of it should be a lifetime
job. However, with the media and the culture portraying how women should look like,
body image is becoming more damaging and evident in young women, now with girls
under the age of 10.
Body image awareness has been more prominent in the last couple of years
because of the increase in girls who are becoming anorexic and having health related
problems. Anorexia is the most common cause of death among young women ages 15-
24. It is an illness that many people are aware of, but it is something that many people do
not recognize as serious of a problem due to societal influences and cultural factors.
“Anywhere you go really there’s some reference to appearance, and now
appearance is being sold as the answer to happiness,” said Portia Turco, a Lecturer in
Council Education and Psychologist.
With the enormous amount of technological availability, young girls can be
persuaded and influenced easier than ever on how their bodies should look. Social media,
magazines, music videos, and celebrities all take a part into the way culture obsesses over
a women’s body.
Lindsey Cook, a student at SUNY Plattsburgh, said, “I think a lot of it has to do
with the media and how they look up to girls who have stick thin figures and they think
that’s what beauty is.”
Social media is hard to ignore, and culturally, girls are subjected to judge others
and themselves when it comes to the way their bodies look. It becomes a force of habit
when girls see only beautiful celebrities and models with the same type of body figure on
the Internet and television.
Jaclyn Mariotti, a personal trainer, said, “I think that girls should focus more on
their health rather than what they look like and rather than trying to be perfect.”
However, body image is harder to surpass than with just words. 90-95% of
females experience an eating disorder, 50% of girls 11-13 years of age see themselves as
overweight, and 80% of 13-year-olds have attempted to lose weight.
Statistics are high in young-teen girls, “we used to think that it was more
adolescent girls but we are seeing it in middle school, and we know that by the third
grade, young girls are body aware,” said Turco.
A British study in 2001 states that on average, 1.5 in every 200,000 British
children under 10-years-old have anorexia, 40% of nine-year-olds diet, and four to five-
year-olds feel the need to diet.
Ilene Leshinsky, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and creator of Body Sense,
said, “they unfortunately hear their mothers and sisters talk about being fat or feeling fat,
and they’re absorbing these messages from the culture at large along with their families
and friends.”
Leshinsky created a program for women in conflict with weight, eating and body
image. She believes that she can help other women struggling with these issues because
she has struggled with them herself.
“I had run the gametes of the diets and the craziness, the binging, never purging,
but the starving and that rollercoaster ride until I was in my mid thirties,” said Leshinsky.
Body sense was created not to focus on dieting or someone else’s way of losing
weight, but to find our individual ways to become stronger and healthier by exploring our
relationship with our bodies.
But when girls as young as the age of five start developing concerns of being fat,
it takes more than just talking and telling them that they are beautiful just the way they
“If we are dealing with children we’re dealing with their families, and families
need to get involved,” said Leshinsky.
Children this young do not develop issues with body image on their own. They
are absorbing and listening to people around them talk about their bodies and other
women’s bodies in negative ways, putting an expectation or pressure on these girls at an
extremely young age to look a certain way.
“The family can be this incredible buffer between the media and the culture and
the child who could succumb a life threatening illness,” said Leshinsky.
The way society stresses and promotes women’s bodies’ needs to change in order
for girls to think less of what they look like and more of how healthy they are.
“Eat healthy and exercise, but also don’t stop eating those bad things that you
enjoy, because then I feel like that’s when it starts to become a problem, just moderate
it,” said Cook.
Body image is a societal issue that has been embedded into the consciousness of
young women. The cultural behavior is destroying the mindsets of these women;
meanwhile, they should believe that their bodies are all different and beautiful in their
own unique ways.
“We have to focus on sending positive messages to the little ones that beauty
comes in all shapes and sizes and the primary point is health and well being,” said
A human’s body is a genetically made up structure that is unique only to that one
person. It’s something that you are born with and taking care of it should be a lifetime
job. However, with the media and the culture portraying how women should look like,
body image is becoming more damaging and evident in young women, now with girls
under the age of 10.
Body image awareness has been more prominent in the last couple of years
because of the increase in girls who are becoming anorexic and having health related
problems. Anorexia is the most common cause of death among young women ages 15-
24. It is an illness that many people are aware of, but it is something that many people do
not recognize as serious of a problem due to societal influences and cultural factors.
“Anywhere you go really there’s some reference to appearance, and now
appearance is being sold as the answer to happiness,” said Portia Turco, a Lecturer in
Council Education and Psychologist.
With the enormous amount of technological availability, young girls can be
persuaded and influenced easier than ever on how their bodies should look. Social media,
magazines, music videos, and celebrities all take a part into the way culture obsesses over
a women’s body.
Lindsey Cook, a student at SUNY Plattsburgh, said, “I think a lot of it has to do
with the media and how they look up to girls who have stick thin figures and they think
that’s what beauty is.”
Social media is hard to ignore, and culturally, girls are subjected to judge others
and themselves when it comes to the way their bodies look. It becomes a force of habit
when girls see only beautiful celebrities and models with the same type of body figure on
the Internet and television.
Jaclyn Mariotti, a personal trainer, said, “I think that girls should focus more on
their health rather than what they look like and rather than trying to be perfect.”
However, body image is harder to surpass than with just words. 90-95% of
females experience an eating disorder, 50% of girls 11-13 years of age see themselves as
overweight, and 80% of 13-year-olds have attempted to lose weight.
Statistics are high in young-teen girls, “we used to think that it was more
adolescent girls but we are seeing it in middle school, and we know that by the third
grade, young girls are body aware,” said Turco.
A British study in 2001 states that on average, 1.5 in every 200,000 British
children under 10-years-old have anorexia, 40% of nine-year-olds diet, and four to five-
year-olds feel the need to diet.
Ilene Leshinsky, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and creator of Body Sense,
said, “they unfortunately hear their mothers and sisters talk about being fat or feeling fat,
and they’re absorbing these messages from the culture at large along with their families
and friends.”
Leshinsky created a program for women in conflict with weight, eating and body
image. She believes that she can help other women struggling with these issues because
she has struggled with them herself.
“I had run the gametes of the diets and the craziness, the binging, never purging,
but the starving and that rollercoaster ride until I was in my mid thirties,” said Leshinsky.
Body sense was created not to focus on dieting or someone else’s way of losing
weight, but to find our individual ways to become stronger and healthier by exploring our
relationship with our bodies.
But when girls as young as the age of five start developing concerns of being fat,
it takes more than just talking and telling them that they are beautiful just the way they
“If we are dealing with children we’re dealing with their families, and families
need to get involved,” said Leshinsky.
Children this young do not develop issues with body image on their own. They
are absorbing and listening to people around them talk about their bodies and other
women’s bodies in negative ways, putting an expectation or pressure on these girls at an
extremely young age to look a certain way.
“The family can be this incredible buffer between the media and the culture and
the child who could succumb a life threatening illness,” said Leshinsky.
The way society stresses and promotes women’s bodies’ needs to change in order
for girls to think less of what they look like and more of how healthy they are.
“Eat healthy and exercise, but also don’t stop eating those bad things that you
enjoy, because then I feel like that’s when it starts to become a problem, just moderate
it,” said Cook.
Body image is a societal issue that has been embedded into the consciousness of
young women. The cultural behavior is destroying the mindsets of these women;
meanwhile, they should believe that their bodies are all different and beautiful in their
own unique ways.
“We have to focus on sending positive messages to the little ones that beauty
comes in all shapes and sizes and the primary point is health and well being,” said
Plattsburgh locals have many options for pregnancy issues
By Olivia Cahill
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – In 1973, the United States Supreme Court declared in
court case Roe v. Wade that women had the right to abortion. In 1992, Planned
Parenthood v. Casey was able to edit the original 1973 ruling, by allowing states to
restrict abortion in the interest of women’s health – provided it not be an “undue
burden” to women - creating considerable amounts of tension between the pro-life
and pro-choice movements. In 2016, the issue of women’s health is still being
debated among presidential candidates, news outlets and most importantly, the
Supreme Court.
Most recently, the HB-2 law in Texas is being debated on a national level. The
law requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges with a hospital as well
as mandates that all abortion clinics have ambulatory surgical center standards.
This has created what many believe is an undue burden to many women seeking the
services that institutions like Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman’s Health
Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, there are several options for women’s
health services in Plattsburgh. Originally founded by Roderick Murphy in
Worchester, Mass., the Plattsburgh Pregnancy Center, located at 62 Brinkerhoff St.,
is a franchise that was created as a front line pregnancy center. This means that
their centers are located in as close proximity to abortion clinics as possible.
Surviving completely on donations and volunteers, the center provides
consultations and ultrasounds for pregnant women.
“We believe women need to be consulted before they make a huge decision
about their pregnancy.” Kitty St. Denis, the office manager at the Plattsburgh
Pregnancy Center said. Since 2014 they have provided free pregnancy services
including pregnancy testing, maternity home and adoption agency referrals, support
after an abortion/miscarriage or stillbirth and much more. “There is no limit to
what we will do for the pregnant women that come to us.” St. Denis said. “Our goal is
not to be a clinic, not to take the money, but to aid in their decisions as expecting
mothers. From driving women to doctor’s appointments or grocery shopping, the
Plattsburgh Pregnancy center is dedicated to helping women keep their children.
Birthright, an international organization whose mission is to support women
during a crisis pregnancy, is also an option for locals. “We provide pregnancy tests,
diapers, formula and an assortment of other things to women expecting children.”
said volunteer Mary Gregory. As an alternative to abortion, Birthright, located at 66
Clinton St., provides assistance in getting the supplies parents need in order to
successfully raise children. Staffed by volunteers, they also aid in referrals for
medical care, housing and more.
The Clinton County Health Department also has a WIC program located at
133 Margaret St., in downtown Plattsburgh. “They offer services to women and
children in financial need and connect them to resources like budgeting and family
planning as they embark on embracing their role as a family. As a volunteer I saw
how much it helped the women.” said volunteer Jillian Kimball. The WIC program
aims to help families learn how to include healthy eating habits into their lives from
prenatal to postpartum.
Planned Parenthood is also a women’s health option in Plattsburgh. In
addition to pregnancy testing and services, Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood, located
at 66 Brinkerhoff St., provides, women’s health care, STD testing and treatment,
Contraception and abortion services.
Kelsey Beach, a patient at Planned Parenthood said, “I had to start on birth
control at a young age because of the problems I had with my menstrual cycle.
Planned Parenthood made me feel comfortable at every appointment and made sure
I knew my health was their priority.” However, sometimes visit her visits to Planned
Parenthood were atypical. “Every couple of days there would be protesters out front
with signs, yelling at my mom and I as we went in for a checkup. The fact that
Planned Parenthood still made me feel comfortable after having to pass through that
crowd shows how dedicated they are to providing service in a positive environment,
focusing fully on the patient.” said Beach.
Although the HB-2 Laws do not directly affect places such as Plattsburgh
Pregnancy Center, Birthright or WIC because they are not considered clinics, on a
national level Planned Parenthood has already had to close some of its clinics
because of this law. This makes June a crucial month for Planned Parenthood
because that is when the Supreme Court ruling will be announce.
Through the diverse options that Plattsburgh can provide, one thing is
certain; women’s health care is a priority in every capacity.
PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – In 1973, the United States Supreme Court declared in
court case Roe v. Wade that women had the right to abortion. In 1992, Planned
Parenthood v. Casey was able to edit the original 1973 ruling, by allowing states to
restrict abortion in the interest of women’s health – provided it not be an “undue
burden” to women - creating considerable amounts of tension between the pro-life
and pro-choice movements. In 2016, the issue of women’s health is still being
debated among presidential candidates, news outlets and most importantly, the
Supreme Court.
Most recently, the HB-2 law in Texas is being debated on a national level. The
law requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges with a hospital as well
as mandates that all abortion clinics have ambulatory surgical center standards.
This has created what many believe is an undue burden to many women seeking the
services that institutions like Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman’s Health
Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, there are several options for women’s
health services in Plattsburgh. Originally founded by Roderick Murphy in
Worchester, Mass., the Plattsburgh Pregnancy Center, located at 62 Brinkerhoff St.,
is a franchise that was created as a front line pregnancy center. This means that
their centers are located in as close proximity to abortion clinics as possible.
Surviving completely on donations and volunteers, the center provides
consultations and ultrasounds for pregnant women.
“We believe women need to be consulted before they make a huge decision
about their pregnancy.” Kitty St. Denis, the office manager at the Plattsburgh
Pregnancy Center said. Since 2014 they have provided free pregnancy services
including pregnancy testing, maternity home and adoption agency referrals, support
after an abortion/miscarriage or stillbirth and much more. “There is no limit to
what we will do for the pregnant women that come to us.” St. Denis said. “Our goal is
not to be a clinic, not to take the money, but to aid in their decisions as expecting
mothers. From driving women to doctor’s appointments or grocery shopping, the
Plattsburgh Pregnancy center is dedicated to helping women keep their children.
Birthright, an international organization whose mission is to support women
during a crisis pregnancy, is also an option for locals. “We provide pregnancy tests,
diapers, formula and an assortment of other things to women expecting children.”
said volunteer Mary Gregory. As an alternative to abortion, Birthright, located at 66
Clinton St., provides assistance in getting the supplies parents need in order to
successfully raise children. Staffed by volunteers, they also aid in referrals for
medical care, housing and more.
The Clinton County Health Department also has a WIC program located at
133 Margaret St., in downtown Plattsburgh. “They offer services to women and
children in financial need and connect them to resources like budgeting and family
planning as they embark on embracing their role as a family. As a volunteer I saw
how much it helped the women.” said volunteer Jillian Kimball. The WIC program
aims to help families learn how to include healthy eating habits into their lives from
prenatal to postpartum.
Planned Parenthood is also a women’s health option in Plattsburgh. In
addition to pregnancy testing and services, Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood, located
at 66 Brinkerhoff St., provides, women’s health care, STD testing and treatment,
Contraception and abortion services.
Kelsey Beach, a patient at Planned Parenthood said, “I had to start on birth
control at a young age because of the problems I had with my menstrual cycle.
Planned Parenthood made me feel comfortable at every appointment and made sure
I knew my health was their priority.” However, sometimes visit her visits to Planned
Parenthood were atypical. “Every couple of days there would be protesters out front
with signs, yelling at my mom and I as we went in for a checkup. The fact that
Planned Parenthood still made me feel comfortable after having to pass through that
crowd shows how dedicated they are to providing service in a positive environment,
focusing fully on the patient.” said Beach.
Although the HB-2 Laws do not directly affect places such as Plattsburgh
Pregnancy Center, Birthright or WIC because they are not considered clinics, on a
national level Planned Parenthood has already had to close some of its clinics
because of this law. This makes June a crucial month for Planned Parenthood
because that is when the Supreme Court ruling will be announce.
Through the diverse options that Plattsburgh can provide, one thing is
certain; women’s health care is a priority in every capacity.
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