Wednesday, September 23, 2015

2016 presidential election may threaten Planned Parenthood federal funding

By: Sarah McMullen

Plattsburgh NY- A red brick building sits on Brinkerhoff Street. What seems to be just another older structure in a college town it is one of the hottest topics in the upcoming presidential election. The Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood might be close to shutting it’s door after years of debating whether it should remain federally funded, between the republican and democratic party.
            Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood is a local provider of family planning and health services. Their services include providing birth control such as condoms and contraceptive pills. They also provide sexual transmitted disease exams at little to no cost. The most controversial service provided is abortions. By providing Planned Parenthood has set a divide in the country.
            The surrounding community of college students and families have mixed feelings regarding the government’s possible plan to stop funding Planned Parenthood. There those who believe in prochoice and those who feel that it is morally wrong to provide such a service like abortion.  What is most disturbing to some is that the federal government helps pay for such services.
Cait Underwood, a practicing Catholic in the Plattsburgh community, believes that those services shouldn’t be supported by the government. Underwood said, “I feel like if you are going to make a huge decision to get an abortion you should have to pay for it. It bothers me that the taxes that are coming out of my paycheck can possibly be helping someone pay for an abortion. I just don’t believe in that.” Underwood is one of many who feel negatively about federally funding an institution that provides a controversial service like abortion.
            However there are some who believe that one should have the choice to have an abortion or get checked for a sexually transmitted disease. Nicole Hoffman a local of the Plattsburgh area said, “The Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood should continue getting funding from the government. I know a few friends that have utilized Planned Parenthoods resources for various reasons. It really helped them.”  Hoffman continued to share how she thinks that Planned Parenthood should continue to be federally funded no matter which president wins the presidential election in 2016.
            Planned Parenthood is not only a controversial topic for seasoned voters who will be voting this upcoming election but it is also debatable topic for students. The Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood is less than one mile from the campus of SUNY Plattsburgh, which is populated by over five thousand students. Sidney Hawksley a sophomore nursing student at SUNY Plattsburgh said, “I think that it is helpful that there is a Planned Parenthood really close to school. It’s important that the students have access to the services that Planned Parenthood has to offer. As a nursing student I know that some young adults that are in need of some of Planned Parenthood's services and feel comfortable going to there. It will really be a shame if the government stopped financially supporting them.” Hawksley is one of many students who believe that the government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood. On the other hand Ryann Senzon, a freshman at SUNY Plattsburgh, says otherwise. Senzon said, “It’s a good idea for the government to stop funding Planned Parenthood. If someone needs birth control or an abortion they should seek a doctor that they pay for.  I don’t think its fair for other people’s money should be paying for Planned Parenthood medical services.” The students of SUNY Plattsburgh all have access to the Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood which settles some minds and worries others.
            Lastly to comment on the chance that Planned Parenthood may no longer be federally funded was Katie Ramus of the Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood. Ramus is head of the education department, and finds her job very valuable. Just by speaking to Ramus in a brief amount of time she had a full day ahead of her booked with programs and presentations. When asked how Planned Parenthood benefited the community she said, “Locally, Planned Parenthood of the North Country New York serves nearly 10,000 patients per year. In the Plattsburgh community, Planned Parenthood provides approximately 1300 educational programs to middle schools, high schools, colleges and community-based organizations per year. So here’s what a defunding vote would really mean to the literally millions of women, men and young people who use our preventative health care services like contraception, cancer screening and sex education…higher unintended pregnancy rates, higher STI rates and higher abortion rates. Ramus went on to say Nationally, Planned Parenthood provides 2.7 million women, men and young people a year with critical reproductive health care --- such as cancer screenings, birth control, STI testing and treatment and well-woman exams. More than half of Planned Parenthood health centers are in rural or medically underserved areas (like Plattsburgh), meaning that without us, many patients would literally have nowhere else to turn. Through sharing these facts Ramus poses that Planned Parenthood is a very much needed social service.

            There are many stances on whether Planned Parenthood should continue to be federally funded. Even Though there may not be a right answer if Planned Parenthood should be financially supported by the government or not this has been debated for years. People will just have to wait and see who is elected president and hope their cause is supported. 


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