Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Personal training takes more than one certificate

By: Emilie Mullin

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. - Personal trainers are seen at almost any gym. They can be seen coaching, pushing clients, or even giving a small little pep talk after words. In Plattsburgh, New York there is a surplus of many gyms. They range from Planet Fitness, Eclipse, Crossfit, campus gym, Powerhouse etc. Walking into a gym doesn’t always mean exact results will happen. That’s where personal trainers can come in.
            Personal trainer is by the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) definition:

“is a fitness professional possessing the knowledge, skills and abilities
for safe and effective exercise and fitness program design, instruction
and assistance for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals.”

There are several different ways to go about become a personal trainer. The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, is one of the most common certifications for group exercise teachers, and personal trainers because it covers so many different areas. AFAA refers to  personal training, group exercise, kickboxing, step, pilates etc. certifications.
            People use personal trainers for many reasons. Sean Howard a current baseball player used a personal trainer to help with his strength, mobility, and conditioning. His trainer helped him with baseball specific workouts. He noticed a big difference than had he just done workouts on his own. Howard was on his own for nutritional help, which is not always the case.
            Jennifer Thume is a personal trainer for the Lake Placid, Plattsburgh, and Vermont area. Her clients’ goals are what she works and continues to work for. She has many certifications, but is not afraid to refer her clients elsewhere if she feels her services wouldn’t be best suited.
One of the certifications that she has obtained is her Crossfit level 1. To be certified as a level 1 Crossfit there is no prerequisites but is designed to make the future trainers more aware of the proper techniques, and able to use and teach the program correctly.
She also has her NFPT certification which is NCAA accredited. The NFPT has a little more nutritional side to it. Thume also has her Bachelors in Nutrition. She finds encompassing the nutritional side of training to be beneficial in her business, and her clients’ goals.
In a couple weeks she is taking her Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist which is the top recognized certification. You can’t apply for the CSCS without having a bachelors in something related to health and fitness. The acceptance of the bachelors is decided by council.
Not all personal trainers are determined to make their clients goals their number one priority, as stated by Thume. She takes pride in the fact she has several different certifications. She can work with other trainers and that’s actually where she gets some of her different ideas. Thume is an avid reader. She reads for new ideas, networks out to Utah, Chicago, and Lake Placid. One of her biggest pushes and help in the industry is her comradery with Powerhouse gym owner and trainer Michelle Mosher.
Mosher is a personal trainer with a bag full of goodies under her belt as well. She trained and competed competitively as a bodybuilder. After receiving her pro-card she wanted to help others and their goal to eat right, get fit, and be on stage as well. She has her AFAA, Peak pilates, Zumba, Madd Dog spin, and Biggest Loser Pro certifications.
The Biggest Loser Pro certification was because she saw the need for it here in Plattsburgh. “You can’t train bigger people like you train smaller people” she says. She wanted the safe and proper way to train those who needed it. To get the Biggest Loser certification though there is a
She has recently been working with Thume to get herself back into the swing of things. She was one of the first people to be certified with Madd Dog Spin when it came out in 1992. She retired from teaching spin classes in 2012/2013. After 20 years she was just burned out. But she still can jump in and teach a class if she has to.
Mosher gets a lot of her information from “slamming ideas” off of other trainers. She likes to read for new, fun, and updated routines, and ideas for different training.
Different types of certification are needed to maintain the AFAA certification. It is also the easiest and cheapest to maintain. There are discounts available to those who teach at the college campus.
Emily Alexander is one of the group exercise leaders at SUNY Plattsburgh. She teaches a Dance Fit class, which is 25 minutes of Zumba like movements, and then 5 minutes of strength and conditioning. She has her AFAA in group exercise and pilates. In her hometown she taught pilates. But at the school she just does the Dance Fit. She also has a minor in nutrition
There is a free way for students, and faculty to obtain a personal trainer through the school. Most of the personal trainers are fitness and wellness majors at the college. They have to have their American College of Sports Medicine certification. They need 92 hours of personal training time. Not all of the personal trainers are fitness and wellness majors. But they do need to obtain some form of personal training certificate.
One of the members of the personal training team at SUNY Plattsburgh who is not a fitness and wellness major is Ariel Monserrate. She is passionate about working out and loves to share her passion with others. She is also considered as supervisory level in the gym. She still gets a little time to work in the gym with her clients. She manages to make time outside of her scheduled work hours to get her training time in.
There are different types of personal trainers. Some come with the gym, some are freelance. Not all trainers have the same certifications so it’s important to research what each trainer offers. Trainers often work with each other, and they bounce ideas off each other. It not only helps clients but it helps them become more marketable in the business world.

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